Health and Wellness at Work - Online Training Course - Intermediate Level - CPDUK Accredited.
Welcome to The Mandatory Training Group's online Health and Wellness at Work training course. All our online training courses, programmes and qualifications are accredited by the CPD Certification Service (CPDUK).
A healthy employee is a happy and productive employee, and that is a goal for every organisation. Through our online Health and Wellness at Work training course, learners will experience the benefits of a healthier lifestyle in the workplace.
Our online Health and Wellness at Work training course will be instrumental in creating a “Culture of Wellness” within your organisation. Learners will touch on common issues such as smoking cessation, nutrition, weight loss, and preventative care. Health and wellness is the responsibility of everyone in an organisation, so take the positive step and create a program within your organisation.
Course content
The aims and objectives of this online Health and Wellness at Work training course are to:
Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Meaning and Definition of a Health and Wellness Program?
Module Three: Types of Health Behavior Programs
Module Four: Health Behavior Programs
Module Five: Health Screenings and Maintenance Programs
Module Six: Mental Health Programs
Module Seven: Evaluate the Need
Module Eight: Planning Process
Module Nine: Implementation
Module Ten: Create a “Culture of Wellness”
Module Eleven: Evaluate Results
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
Who is the course for?
This online Health and Wellness at Work training course is suitable for those who want to know more about the benefits of a healthier lifestyle in the workplace and creating a culture of wellness in employees at any organisation.
Course aims
Our online Health and Wellness at Work training course will be instrumental in creating a “Culture of Wellness” within your organisation. Learners will touch on common issues such as smoking cessation, nutrition & weight loss, and preventative care. Health and wellness is the responsibility of everyone in an organisation, so take the positive step and create a program at your organisation.
Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes of this online Health and Wellness at Work training course are to:
Access health and wellness program needs
Plan a health and wellness program
Implement a health and wellness program
Maintain a health and wellness program.
Health and Wellness at Work - Online Training Course - Intermediate Level - CPDUK Accredited.
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