Safeguarding Children for Care Homes - Level 3 (CPDUK Accredited)

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  • Externally Peer-reviewed and Accredited
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    Safeguarding Children for Care Homes - Level 3 | Online Training Course | CPDUK Accredited

    Course Duration

    360 minutes

    CPD Hours

    6 hours


    CPD Certification Service


    CPD Certificate

    Certificate Validity

    3 years

    Who is the course for?

    This advanced safeguarding children level 3 course is designed for all staff within residential and nursing care homes involved in children's care and welfare. This includes care workers, care assistants, nurses, and any staff member who may engage in direct or indirect care or contact with children.

    Course content

    The safeguarding children for care homes level 3 course provides comprehensive training on child protection and safeguarding principles. This course includes:

    • Introduction to safeguarding children
    • Indicators of abuse
    • Vulnerable children
    • Children’s rights and legislation
    • The role of professionals
    • Working with other professionals
    • Risk and harm assessment
    • Reviewing practice

    The course covers advanced topics such as assessing risks, understanding children's rights within the safeguarding context, and engaging with other professionals to protect children effectively.

            Course aims

            The safeguarding children for care homes level 3 online course aims to enhance understanding and skills related to safeguarding children, focusing on:

            • Recognising different types of child abuse and their indicators.
            • Understanding and applying children's rights within the safeguarding framework.
            • Collaborating effectively with other professionals to ensure children's safety and welfare.

                    Learning objectives

                    This safeguarding children for care homes level 3 elearning course will:

                    • Provide in-depth knowledge of child abuse indicators.
                    • Discuss the legal and procedural framework related to children's rights and safeguarding.
                    • Outline the roles and responsibilities of different professionals in safeguarding children.
                    • Teach effective collaboration and communication strategies in a multi-agency safeguarding environment.

                              Learning outcomes

                              On completion of this safeguarding children for care homes level 3 online training course, you will be able to:

                              • Identify possible signs of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect, including domestic abuse, sexual exploitation, grooming, and exploitation to support and/or commit acts of terrorism (known as radicalisation), FGM, modern slavery, gang and electronic media abuse using child and family-focused approach.
                              • Understand what constitutes child maltreatment, including the effects of carer/parental behaviour on children and young people.
                              • Undertake, where appropriate, a risk and harm assessment.
                              • Communicate effectively with children and young people, ensuring they can participate in decisions that affect them as appropriate to their age and ability.
                              • Explain the different types of bullying that children may experience.
                              • State the risk factors, indicators and effects of forced marriage on children.
                              • Identify the relevant legislation in relation to child safeguarding and protection.
                              • Demonstrate how to act in accordance with the child’s best interests.
                              • Distinguish the roles and responsibilities of care professionals safeguarding children with special needs.
                              • Demonstrate how to play an active part in safeguarding children through the child protection plan.
                              • Describe the role that ethical behaviour plays in addressing concerns regarding vulnerable children.
                              • Explain the importance of upholding ethics in dealing with cases of child abuse and their escalation.
                              • Identify the risk and harm assessments and policies in place to protect the welfare of children.
                              • State the legal duties of local authorities working with partner organisations to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children.
                              • Describe the systems to put in place to safeguard children.

                              Accreditation and Certification

                              This CPD-accredited safeguarding children e-learning course for care homes level 3 is externally peer-reviewed and accredited by the CPD Certification Service. It meets comprehensive compliance requirements set by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), RQIA, Care Inspectorates, Skills for Care Core and Mandatory Training Framework, Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF) and other UK health and social care regulatory bodies. Upon completion, participants will earn a CPD Certificate valid for three years.

                              Course demo (video)

                              Why is the course important?

                              This course is critical as it equips staff with the necessary skills to identify, respond to, and prevent situations of abuse and maltreatment of children within care homes. Understanding and implementing safeguarding practices is essential for ensuring the safety and well-being of children, which aligns with national health and social care regulatory requirements.

                              Safeguarding Children for Care Homes - Level 3 | ComplyPlus LMS™ | The Mandatory Training Group UK -


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