Safeguarding Adults for Care Homes - Level 3 (CPDUK Accredited)

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  • Externally Peer-reviewed and Accredited
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    Safeguarding Adults for Care Homes - Level 3 | Online Training Course | CPDUK Accredited

    Course Duration

    180 minutes

    CPD Hours

    3 hours


    CPD Certification Service


    CPD Certificate

    Certificate Validity

    3 years

    Who is the course for?

    This advanced safeguarding adults level 3 eLearning course is designed for care home staff in both nursing and residential settings who are involved in assessing, planning, intervening, and evaluating adult safeguarding. It is particularly suited for those who directly manage and handle complex cases of safeguarding adults at risk.

    Course content

    This online safeguarding adults for care homes level 3 course is divided into the following sections:


    Module 1 - Types of abuse in adults and key legislation

    Module 2 - Assessing the risk of harm

    Module 3 - Effective communication

    Module 4 - Actions to take following safeguarding concerns

    Module 5 - Reviewing safeguarding practice

    Module 6 - Effective safeguarding supervision

    Module 7 - Safeguarding meetings and enquiries


    References and resources

    End of course assessment.

              Course aims

              This course aims to enhance knowledge and skills in identifying and responding to safeguarding issues, promoting a deeper understanding of legal frameworks, and effectively implementing safeguarding measures within care homes.

                  Learning objectives

                  This safeguarding adults for care homes level 3 e-learning course will:

                  • Establish the signs and symptoms of harm and abuse in adults.

                  • Discuss ways to assess and safeguard a vulnerable adult.

                  • Consider ways to complete a care plan for an adult who has been or may be subjected to abuse, harm or neglect.

                  • Discuss how to effectively communicate with adults at risk of harm and abuse, especially when there are mental capacity issues, learning disabilities or other communication needs.

                  • Establish where to find additional sources of help and support for adult safeguarding.

                  • Discuss how to review organisational safeguarding practices effectively.

                  • Examine the importance of supervision and how to deliver and receive adequate safeguarding supervision.

                  • Consider the lessons learnt from serious case reviews and how to play a vital role in serious case reviews, safeguarding enquiries and multidisciplinary meetings.

                      Learning outcomes

                      On completion of this safeguarding adults for care homes level 3 online training course, the learner will be able to:

                      • Identify possible signs of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect using a person-centred approach.

                      • Identify adults experiencing abuse, harm or neglect with caring responsibilities for other adults or children and make appropriate referrals.

                      • Demonstrate a clear understanding, as appropriate to the role, of forensic procedures in adult safeguarding and know how to relate these to practise to meet legal requirements as required.

                      • Undertake, where appropriate, a risk and/or harm assessment.

                      • Communicate effectively with at-risk adults, particularly those with mental capacity issues, learning disabilities or communication needs.

                      • State how to contribute and make considered judgements on safeguarding adults at risk.

                      • Explain how to formulate and communicate effective care plans for adults who have been or may be subjected to abuse, harm or neglect.

                      • Demonstrate an understanding of the issues surrounding suspicion of adult abuse, harm and neglect and how to manage uncertainty and risk effectively.

                      • Describe how to contribute to inter-agency assessments by gathering and sharing information appropriately.

                      • Analyse how to document concerns in a manner that is appropriate for adult safeguarding protection and legal processes.

                      • State how to undertake documented reviews of your own (and/or team) adult safeguarding as appropriate to the role.

                      • Explain how to deliver and receive supervision within effective supervision and/or peer review models and recognise the potential personal impact of adult safeguarding on professionals.

                      • State how to apply the lessons learned from audits, serious case reviews, case management reviews, and significant case reviews to improve practice.

                      • Analyse how to advise others on appropriate information sharing.

                      • State how to appropriately contribute to serious case reviews, case management reviews, significant case reviews, and domestic homicide review processes.

                      • Distinguishing how to obtain support and help when safeguarding problems requires further expertise and experience.

                      • State how to participate in and chair multidisciplinary meetings as required.

                      • Demonstrate the skills required to participate in a safeguarding enquiry.

                      Accreditation and Certification

                      This CPD-accredited safeguarding adults level 3 e-learning course for care homes is externally peer-reviewed and accredited by the CPD Certification Service. It meets comprehensive compliance requirements set by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), RQIA, Care Inspectorates, Skills for Care Core and Mandatory Training Framework, Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF) and other UK health and social care regulatory bodies. Upon completion, participants will earn a CPD Certificate valid for three years.

                      Course demo (video)

                      Why is the course important?

                      Effective safeguarding of adults in care homes is crucial for protecting individuals from abuse and neglect. This course provides the necessary skills and knowledge to handle complex safeguarding cases, ensuring the safety and dignity of adults in care settings. The training is essential for meeting legislative and regulatory requirements and promoting safety and respect within care homes.

                      Safeguarding Adults for Care Homes - Level 3 | ComplyPlus LMS™ | The Mandatory Training Group UK -


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