Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace – Online Training Course – Level 1 - CPDUK Accredited.
Welcome to The Mandatory Training Group's online Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace. All our online training courses, programmes and qualifications are accredited by the CPD Certification Service (CPDUK).
This online Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace training course aims to help learners understand the concept of a mentally healthy workplace and why this is important.
With this Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace eLearning course, learners will consider the scale of mental ill-health within different sectors and the costs and impact on individuals and organisations. They will understand potential workplace risk factors that may increase the risks of employees developing mental health issues and protective factors that can reduce these risks.
Course content
This online Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace training course covers the following:
Session 1 - Importance and benefits of a mentally healthy working environment
Session 2 - Risk to mental health in the workplace
Session 3 - Equality act 2010.
Who is the course for?
This Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace e-learning course is suitable for employers, managers and employees with an interest in developing their knowledge and understanding of mental health in the workplace.
Course aims
The aims of this online Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace training course are to:
Help learners understand the concept of a mentally healthy environment and why this is important.
Help learners consider the scale of mental ill-health and the costs of this and the impact on individuals and organisations.
Enable learners to understand potential workplace risk factors which may increase the risks of employees developing mental health issues.
Enable learners to understand potential protective factors which can reduce the impact of risk factors.
Enable learners to understand the legal rights and responsibilities of employers and employees to protect and promote good mental health within the workplace under the Equality Act 2010, Human Rights Act 1998 and Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
Learning objectives
On completion of this online Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace training course, the learner will be able to:
Understand the importance and benefits of a mentally healthy workplace.
Understand the scale of mental health issues within the workplace, the costs of these and the negative impact on the organisation.
Understand risk factors within the workplace that can increase the risk of individuals experiencing mental ill-health.
Understand the protective factors within the workplace that can reduce the risk of individuals experiencing mental ill-health.
Understand the legal requirements for employers to promote and maintain a mentally healthy and safe workplace.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace e-learning course, the learner will be able to:
Describe the importance and benefits of a mentally healthy workplace.
Outline the scale of mental health issues within the workplace, the costs of these and the negative impact on the organisation.
Describe potential risk factors within the workplace that can increase the risk of individuals experiencing mental ill-health.
Describe potential protective factors within the workplace that can reduce the risk of individuals experiencing mental ill-health.
Describe the legal requirements for employers to promote and maintain a mentally healthy and safe workplace.
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