CSTF Safeguarding Children and Adults - Level 1, 2 & 3 - Online Training Courses.
Welcome to The Mandatory Training Group's online CSTF Safeguarding Adults and Children training courses for healthcare and social care providers. These online safeguarding children and adults training courses are aligned to the UK Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF).
Course content
This online CSTF Safeguarding Adults and Children training package covers the following:
Section 1 - Indicators of abuse
Section 2 - Child exploitation
Section 3 - Online abuse
Section 4 - Vulnerable children
Section 5 - Parental impact
Section 6 - Children’s rights
Section 7 - Taking action
Section 8 - Legislation
References and resources
End of course assessment
Section 1 - Types of child abuse
Section 2 - Child exploitation
Section 3 - Impact of parents mental health on children
Section 4 - Recording and reporting concerns
Section 5 - Relevant legislation
References and resources
End of course assessment
Submodule 1 - Introduction to Safeguarding Children
Submodule 2 - Indicators of abuse
Submodule 3 - Vulnerable children
Submodule 4 - Children’s rights and legislation
Submodule 5 - The role of professionals
Submodule 6 - Working with other professionals
Submodule 7 - Risk and harm assessment
Submodule 8 - Reviewing practice
Section 1 - Types of abuse ad signs, symptoms and indicators
Section 2 - Actions to take with concerns about abuse, harm or neglect
Section 3 - Key safeguarding legislation
References and resources
End of module assessment
Section 1 - Abuse in adults
Section 2 - Advocacy
Section 3 - Roles and responsibilities
Section 4 - Information sharing and recordkeeping
Section 5 - Key legislation and guidance
Section 6 - Preventing radicalisation
References and resources
End of course assessment
Section 1 - Types of abuse in adults
Section 2 - Assessing the risk of harm
Section 3 - Effective communication
Section 4 - Actions to take following safeguarding concerns
Section 5 - Reviewing safeguarding practice
Section 6 - Effective safeguarding supervision
Section 7 - Safeguarding meetings and enquiries
References and resources
End of course assessment
Who is the course for?
These online CSTF Safeguarding Adults and Children training package should be completed by those who work in health and social care services, including:
NHS medical, nursing, AHP and care staff
Locum doctors and nurses
Locum allied health professionals (AHPs)
Agency nurses
Agency workers
Healthcare assistants
Support workers
Care assistants
Community services.
Course aims
The aims of this CSTF Safeguarding Adults and Children training package are to:
Familiarise potential indicators of child maltreatment.
Develop further understanding of the vulnerability of children.
Understand the impact of a parent/carer’s physical and mental health on child wellbeing.
Understand the importance of children’s rights and the relevant legislation involving safeguarding children.hildren
Understand what constitutes child maltreatment and identify signs of child abuse or neglect.
Document safeguarding/child protection concerns in a format that appropriately informs the relevant staff and agencies.
Familiarise how to maintain proper records and share relevant information with other teams.
Understand the role and significance of the safeguarding procedures to child well-being.
Familiarise the different factors that contribute to child abuse.
Enable learners to understand what is meant by safeguarding, harm, and abuse.
Support learners to recognise potential signs, symptoms and indicators of abuse, harm and neglect.
Provide learners with information on actions to take if they have concerns about abuse, harm or neglect, who to report to and sources of advice and support.
Provide learners with an understanding of the relevant legislation in place for the safeguarding of adults.
Understand the key terms and definitions to recognise abuse in adults.
Understand effective information sharing and record keeping when documenting and reporting safeguarding concerns.
Familiarise the different factors that could lead to radicalisation in adults.
Develop a good understanding of assessing risk and protecting adults at risk.
Familiarise how to effectively communicate with adults at risk of abuse, neglect or harm, and gather and share information for interagency safeguarding assessments.
Learning objectives
This CSTF Safeguarding Adults and Children training package will:
Establish the different indicators of child abuse.
Discuss child exploitation and online abuse.
Establish the vulnerability of children.
Measure the impact of a parent/carer’s physical and mental health on child wellbeing.
Devise a plan on what action to take to ensure safeguarding children at risk of harm.
Discuss how to act as an effective advocate for the child or young person.
Establish the impact of a parent’s/carer’s physical and mental health on child wellbeing to identify a child or young person at risk.
Review one's professional role, responsibilities, and boundaries, as well as those of colleagues in a multidisciplinary team and multi-agency setting.
Consider when to refer to social care if there are safeguarding/child protection concerns and maintain appropriate records, including distinguishing between fact and opinion.
Classify appropriate and relevant information and discuss it with other teams.
Establish what constitutes child maltreatment and identify signs of child abuse or neglect.
Discuss the different factors that contribute to the abuse of vulnerable children.
Establish the responsibilities of individuals employed to engage with children in a regulated setting.
Explain what is meant by safeguarding, harm and abuse.
Describe the different types of abuse and their signs, symptoms, and indicators for learners.
Discuss what needs to be done and should not be done if someone has safeguarding concerns.
Know who to report concerns about harm, abuse or neglect to.
Identify further sources of advice, guidance and support for safeguarding adults.
Explain the key points of relevant safeguarding legislation.
Discuss the key terms and definitions in relation to safeguarding adults.
Review the different types of abuse in adults.
Consider how and when an adult might require an advocate in line with legislation and guidance.
Consider how and when to refer to social care following organisational policies if an adult safeguarding concern is identified.
Discuss how to document safeguarding concerns appropriately.
Understand how to maintain appropriate records.
Examine the relevant legislation in place to safeguard adults.
Discuss the risk factors for radicalisation.
Establish the signs and symptoms of harm and abuse in adults.
Discuss ways to assess and safeguard a vulnerable adult.
Consider how to complete a care plan for an adult who has been or may be subjected to abuse, harm or neglect.
Discuss how to effectively communicate with adults at risk of harm and abuse, especially when there are mental capacity issues, learning disabilities or other communication needs.
Establish where to find additional sources of help and support for adult safeguarding.
Discuss how to review organisational safeguarding practices effectively.
Examine the importance of supervision and how to deliver and receive adequate safeguarding supervision.
Consider the lessons learnt from serious case reviews and how to play a vital role in serious case reviews, safeguarding enquiries and multidisciplinary meetings.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this online CSTF Safeguarding Adults and Children training package, the learner will be able to:
Identify potential indicators of child maltreatment in its different forms.
Explain child trafficking, female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage, modern slavery, gang and electronic media abuse, sexual exploitation, and county lines.
Analyse the risks associated with the internet and online social networking.
Distinguish the vulnerability of children.
Describe the impact a parent/carer’s physical and mental health can have on the wellbeing of a child, including the impact of domestic abuse and violence and substance misuse.
Demonstrate the importance of upholding the rights of children.
State the relevant legislation involving safeguarding children.
Identify what constitutes child maltreatment and be able to identify signs of child abuse or neglect.
Demonstrate how to act as an effective advocate for the child or young person.
Explain the potential impact of a parent’s/carer’s physical and mental health on a child's wellbeing to identify if they are at risk.
Identify and refer a child suspected of being a victim of trafficking and/or sexual exploitation.
State one’s professional role, responsibilities, and boundaries, and understand those of colleagues in a multidisciplinary team and a multi-agency setting.
Explain how to maintain appropriate records and differentiate between fact and opinion.
Identify the appropriate and relevant information and how to share it with other teams.
Identify possible signs of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect, including domestic abuse, sexual exploitation, grooming, and exploitation to support and/or commit acts of terrorism (known as radicalisation), FGM, modern slavery, gang and electronic media abuse using child and family-focused approach.
Understand what constitutes child maltreatment including the effects of carer/parental behaviour on children and young people.
Undertake, where appropriate, a risk and harm assessment.
Communicate effectively with children and young people, ensuring they have the opportunity to participate in decisions affecting them as appropriate to their age and ability.
Define safeguarding, harm and abuse.
Describe the ten types of abuse and provide examples of signs, symptoms, and indicators associated with each.
Describe actions to take if they have concerns about harm, abuse or neglect and what not to do.
Identify who should be contacted if concerns are raised regarding abuse, neglect, or harm.
Identify further sources of advice, guidance and support for safeguarding adults.
Explain the key points of relevant legislation for safeguarding.
Define safeguarding, harm and abuse.
Define the different types of abuse and give examples of the signs, symptoms and indicators.
Ensure effective advocacy is provided where required, in line with legislation and professional guidance.
Describe your role, responsibilities, and professional boundaries as well as those of your colleagues in a multidisciplinary team and multi-agency environment.
Analyse how and when to refer to social care following organisational policies if adult safeguarding concerns are identified.
Demonstrate how to appropriately document safeguarding concerns in a format that informs the relevant staff and agencies.
Distinguish fact from opinion.
State the key statutory and non-statutory guidance and legislation for adult safeguarding.
State how to prevent radicalisation in adults and how to support individuals who are being drawn into terrorist-related activities.
Identify possible signs of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect using a person-centred approach.
Identify adults experiencing abuse, harm or neglect who have caring responsibilities for other adults or children and make appropriate referrals.
Undertake, where appropriate, a risk and/or harm assessment.
Demonstrate a clear understanding, as appropriate to the role, of forensic procedures in adult safeguarding and know how to relate these to practice to meet clinical and legal requirements as required.
Demonstrate an ability to undertake forensic procedures and know how to present the findings and evidence to legal requirements.
Communicate effectively with adults at risk, particularly those with mental capacity issues, learning disabilities or communication needs.
State how to contribute and make considered judgements on safeguarding adults at risk.
Explain how to formulate and communicate effective care plans for adults who have been or may be subjected to abuse, harm or neglect.
Demonstrate an understanding of the issues surrounding suspicion of adult abuse, harm and neglect and how to effectively manage uncertainty and risk.
Describe how to contribute to inter-agency assessments by gathering and sharing information appropriately.
State how to participate in and chair multidisciplinary meetings as required.
State how to undertake documented reviews of your own (and/or team) adult safeguarding as appropriate to the role.
Explain how to deliver and receive supervision within effective models of supervision and/or peer review and recognise the potential personal impact of adult safeguarding on professionals.
State how to apply the lessons learnt from audit and serious case reviews, case management reviews, and significant case reviews to improve practice.
Analyse how to advise others on appropriate information sharing.
State how to appropriately contribute to serious case reviews, case management reviews, significant case reviews, and domestic homicide review processes.
Analyse how to document concerns in a manner that is appropriate for adult safeguarding protection and legal processes.
Distinguish how to obtain support and help in situations where there are safeguarding problems requiring further expertise and experience.
Demonstrate the skills required to participate in a safeguarding enquiry.
CSTF Safeguarding Adults and Children - Level 1, 2 & 3 - Online Training Courses.
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