What is the role of the Care Quality Commission? - Undoubtedly, the UK's health and social care sectors are among the most heavily regulated worldwide. A legal duty of care is placed on service providers by law as they provide services to the public. In this article, Dr Richard Dune...

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By Dr Richard Dune

What is strategy, and why is it important? - The Mandatory Training Group UK - Most of us have heard the term 'strategy' in business and personal settings. But what exactly is ‘business strategy’, and why is it important? Also, what are the different types of strategies within an organisation,...

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By Dr Richard Dune

What is the CQC single assessment framework? - The Mandatory Training Group UK - Understanding the CQC single assessment framework: Transforming health and social care regulation The Care Quality Commission (CQC) framework is undergoing changes right now. CQC will implement a new Single Assessment Framework to regulate health and adult...

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By Dr Richard Dune

Statutory vs. Mandatory Training: What are the Differences? - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK - Here at The Mandatory Training Group, we receive many enquiries from people across the UK asking about mandatory and statutory training. Many find these two terms quite confusing and often ask: “Is there really...

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By Dr Richard Dune

What is emergency first aid at work? - The Mandatory Training Group UK - Many people would not know what to do if someone required emergency attention in the workplace, such as choking, allergic reaction, burn or scald, heart attack, wounds and bleeding.  According to the Labour Force Survey, 441,000...

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By Dr Richard Dune
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