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Dr Richard Dune
What is the CQC single assessment framework?
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Understanding the CQC single assessment framework: Transforming health and social care regulation
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) framework is undergoing changes right now. CQC will implement a new single assessment framework to regulate health and adult social care in England.
A single assessment framework will be used for all types of services at all levels, aiming to reduce health inequalities and improve services for people. As the changes are rolled out in 2023, CQC will gradually release information concerning the above strategy.
In this blog, Dr Richard Dune discusses the changes in the CQC regulatory framework in this article, focusing mainly on the single assessment framework, key questions, and quality statements.
Current CQC framework
CQC uses quality ratings and five key questions to assess care providers under multiple assessment frameworks. The key questions asked are services:
- Safe
- Effective
- Caring
- Responsive
- Well-led.
The Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE) then provide prompts to assess each key question above. For example, under ‘Safe’, the KLOEs include this prompt - How does the provider ensure the proper and safe use of medicines?
Although CQC will continue to rely on the quality ratings and five key questions above, it will replace KLOEs with quality statements under the new single assessment framework. Essentially, instead of providing prompts, the quality statements will give examples of ‘high quality, person-centred care’ under each key question. For example, under ‘Safe, ' the quality statements include the following: We make sure that medicines and treatments are safe and meet people’s needs, capacities, and preferences by enabling them to be involved in planning, including when changes happen.
Furthermore, each quality statement will link directly to the relevant Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.
CQC single assessment framework
CQC will use a single assessment framework in 2023. The new framework affects health and social care providers, local authorities, and integrated care systems. The existing CQC ratings and five key questions will remain central to the assessment process.
The CQC will continue to use the following:
- Five key questions, i.e. safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.
- Four-point rating scale, i.e. outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate.
Each key question is accompanied by a set of topic areas and quality statements. As part of the statements, the regulations will be linked to what good care is. As part of their effort to make judgements more structured and consistent, CQC has also developed six categories for the evidence they collect. CQC collects evidence depending on the type of service, for example, GP practices, and the level at which they assess, for example, registration. As part of these assessments, they will provide clear information about the evidence they require.
Key questions
- Safe
- Effective
- Caring
- Responsive
- Well-led.
Key questions and quality statements
Providers, commissioners, and system leaders are responsible for living up to quality statements. The quality statements are ‘we statements’ that describe what it takes to provide high-quality, person-centred care.
According to the quality statements, providers and services must work together to provide high-quality care. They are directly related to the regulations CQC would consider in their judgements.
CQC refers to 'people' as those who use services, their families, friends, and unpaid carers, including:
- People with protected equality characteristics under the Equality Act
- People who are more likely to experience poorer care or inequalities.
Evidence categories
CQC uses six evidence categories to ensure consistency and structure in its assessments. To assess quality against a quality statement, CQC uses different types of evidence, i.e. 'require evidence'.
CQC will collect evidence from different sources depending on the following factors:
- Model or type of service
- The level of assessment, i.e. service, provider, local authority or integrated care system
- Whether the assessment is for an existing service or at registration.
The evidence categories are:
- People's experience of health and care services
- Feedback from staff and leaders
- Feedback from partners
- Observation
- Processes
- Outcomes.
Assessing services
- Gathering evidence - In the future, CQC will use more information, including data about people's experiences with care services. In addition to on-site inspections, they will gather evidence in various ways and at different times to support their judgements. As a result, they will use on-site inspections to support this activity rather than as the primary means of gathering evidence.
- Frequency of assessments - When deciding when to assess a service, CQC will no longer rely on its rating as the main factor. Any evidence they collect or information they receive can trigger an assessment.
- Assessing quality - As opposed to only inspecting after an inspection, the CQC will make judgements about quality more frequently. For this, they'll look at various quality statements and evidence from various sources. As part of the assessment framework, they will use evidence categories and give a score for what they find. It will be easier to understand how they make rating decisions.
CQC will refine and improve this approach as they begin to test it and introduce it to providers.
Up-to-date, transparent assessments of quality
CQC's assessment framework allows them the flexibility to:
- Assess evidence more frequently to update the ratings for key questions and overall ratings.
- For example, CQC may collect evidence about people's experiences more frequently than processes.
- Select which quality statements to examine; for example, they can review one or more statements.
How often does CQC assess services
The frequency of assessments will depend on the information CQC receives and the evidence they collect about the service rather than its type and previous rating. Based on their approach, the CQC decides:
- Whether they focus on sectors or individual providers
- The frequency with which they conduct assessments
- Evidence-gathering activities they use.
CQC can collect evidence in both a planned and responsive manner because of its flexibility.
The new framework is promising as it would help to create a unified approach towards the quality of healthcare and social services. The framework will also help provide a structured assessment method and streamline the process of reaching the desired outcomes.
In simpler terms, it is critical that all health and social care providers measure up to the standards expected by the service users. They expect excellent services with minimal bias, regardless of where they live or the condition they are suffering from.
Get CQC-ready with The Mandatory Training Group and ComplyPlus™!
The CQC’s new single assessment framework focuses on improving care and reducing inequalities. Stay compliant with our accredited training, covering key CQC areas - Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, and Well-led.
Visit the CPD Certification Service website to see our accreditation and find out why care homes and nursing facilities across the UK trust us for expert training. Learn how we help organisations comply with the CQC’s single assessment framework and achieve excellence in care delivery.
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Last updated on 2-1-2025
About the author
Dr Richard Dune
With over 20 years of experience, Dr Richard Dune blends a rich background in NHS, the private sector, academia, and research settings. His forte lies in clinical R&D, advancing healthcare tech, workforce development and governance. His leadership ensures regulatory compliance and innovation align seamlessly.

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