Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals - UKCSTF Aligned

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    Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals – Online Training Courses - Intermediate level - UKCSTF Aligned.

    Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals - Online Training Package - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

    Welcome to The Mandatory Training Group's online Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) courses. These online courses were developed in line with the latest UK legislation and meet the requirements set out by the National Health Service (NHS), UK Core Skills Training Framework (UKCSTF), the Care Quality Commission (CQC), Skills for Care, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and other professional and regulatory bodies.

    Course content

    Our online Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) courses package covers the following modules:

    • CSTF Equality, Diversity and Human Rights - Level 1
    • CSTF Health, Safety, and Welfare - Level 1
    • CSTF Conflict Resolution - Level 1
    • CSTF Fire Safety - Level 1
    • CSTF Infection Prevention and Control - Level 1
    • CSTF Infection Prevention and Control - Level 2
    • CSTF Moving and Handling - Level 1
    • CSTF Moving and Handling People - Level 2
    • CSTF Safeguarding Adults - Level 1
    • CSTF Safeguarding Adults - Level 2
    • CSTF Preventing Radicalisation (Basic Prevent Awareness) - Level 1
    • CSTF Safeguarding Children - Level 1
    • CSTF Safeguarding Children - Level 2
    • CSTF Adult Resuscitation - Level 1
    • CSTF Resuscitation (Adult Basic Life Support) - Level 2
    • Information Governance and Data Security - Level 1.

      Who is the course for?

      All allied health professionals, whether part-time or full time or locum AHP staff. This CPD accredited online Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) courses package can be used for induction training or yearly refresher training (annual mandatory training updates for allied health professionals).

      This online Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) courses package is suitable for all allied health professionals, including:

      • Anesthesiologist assistant
      • Anaesthesia technician
      • Art therapist/art psychotherapist
      • Athletic trainer
      • Autotransfusionist
      • Audiologist
      • Cardiovascular technologist
      • Clinical laboratory scientist
      • Medical transcriptionist
      • Medical coder
      • Clinical officer
      • Dental hygienist
      • Dietitian/nutritionist
      • Electrocardiogram technician
      • Emergency medical technician
      • Environmental health officer
      • Exercise physiologist
      • Lactation consultant
      • Medical assistant
      • Medical interpreter
      • Medical laboratory scientist
      • Medical radiation scientist
      • Music therapist
      • Clinical neurophysiology
      • Occupational therapist
      • Operating department practitioner
      • Optometrist
      • Orthoptist
      • Orthotist/prosthetist
      • Paramedic
      • Pedorthist
      • Perfusionist
      • Phlebotomist
      • Physician Assistant
      • Public health epidemiologist
      • Physical therapist/physiotherapist
      • Radiotherapist/radiation therapist/medical dosimetrist
      • Radiographer (including specialist radiographers, e.g. angiographer, mammographer, etc.)
      • Recreational therapist
      • Rehabilitation counsellor
      • Renal dialysis technologist
      • Respiratory therapist
      • Social workers
      • Sonographer (often, but not always, state-registered radiographers)
      • Speech and language pathologist
      • Surgical technologist

      This online Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) courses package has been designed for new and experienced healthcare and social care workers alike to meet the Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulatory requirements for all UK service providers.

      Course aims

      This online Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) courses package helps care home and domiciliary care staff to meet the UK statutory requirements. We are committed to keeping up to date with changes in relevant UK legislation, national directives and conditions on a mandatory training program to ensure that it reflects changing legal, risk and service needs.

      To that end, our mandatory training for allied health professionals modules are guided by the following:

      • Standards set by Skills for Care, Health Education England and UK Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF),
      • The Care Quality Commission (CQC) guidance for health and social care support workers, and
      • National guidance issued for locum care agencies and care recruitment agencies.

      *Each of the mandatory training for allied health professionals modules provides essential and adequate detail as suggested by UK regulators (including the Care Quality Commission (CQC)).

      Learning outcomes

      The UK Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF) sets out 11 statutory and mandatory training topics for all staff working in health and social care settings. The CSTF includes nationally agreed learning outcomes and training delivery standards across all healthcare and social care settings.

      The Mandatory Training Group have worked with a range of subject matter experts to develop high quality, statutory and mandatory e-learning training sessions, which address all the knowledge outcomes at level 1 and 2 and at level 3, where appropriate for e-learning.

      These statutory and mandatory training courses sessions are suitable for all health and social care staff working across the various Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulated organisations, including NHS and private hospitals, mental health, care homes and domiciliary care providers.

      It is the responsibility of individual health and social care employer organisations to ensure that their workforce complete the appropriate training to comply with their statutory and mandatory requirements. It is also an employer’s responsibility to determine the best mode of delivering the training, whether that is face-to-face, e-learning or a blended approach. The CSTF provides further guidance on this.

      This online Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) courses meets the requirements of CQC regulated health and social care organisations.

      Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals – Online Training Courses - Intermediate level - UKCSTF Aligned.


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      Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs): Answers

      Here at The Mandatory Training Group, we receive many questions about mandatory training for allied health professionals (AHPs) from healthcare and social care providers. We have provided answers to the most frequently asked questions about mandatory training for allied health professionals (AHPs) below..

      Click on the text below to see the answers to the FAQs about Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs).

      Mandatory training is essential for the safe and efficient practice of allied health professionals (AHPs). This training aims to reduce risks and comply with policies and legislative and regulatory requirements.

      In health and social care settings, mandatory training is a compulsory requirement for doctors, dentists, nurses and allied health professionals (AHPs) to work safely and effectively.

      Yes, allied health professionals (AHPs) who are required to attend a training program for work must receive proper compensation. Therefore, employers who require all new allied health professionals (AHPs) to attend a mandatory training, or current allied health professionals (AHPs) to participate in a fire safety training, must compensate them for their time spent on training.

      The subjects in the mandatory Core Skills Training Framework that may apply to allied health professionals (AHPs) are as follows:

    • Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
    • Health, Safety and Welfare
    • NHS Conflict Resolution
    • Fire Safety
    • Infection Prevention and Control
    • Moving and Handling
    • Safeguarding Adults
    • Preventing Radicalisation.
    • Mandatory training is a requirement for allied health professionals (AHPs) to work safely and efficiently. The training modules in the mandatory training for allied health professionals (AHPs) bundle are appropriate in depth to the level of understanding needed.

      Our statutory and mandatory training courses provide allied health professionals (AHPs) with interactive online training, end of course assessments and downloadable and printable CPD accredited certificate. This enables allied health professionals (AHPs) to be compliant with their mandatory training requirements.

      Click here to find out more about the online mandatory training for allied health professionals (AHPs) courses.

      Some states may allow allied health professionals' (AHPs) employer to make payment for their training costs. However, federal labour law still requires allied health professionals' (AHPs) employer to pay them at their regular rate for the hours they spent completing the required mandatory training. If allied health professionals (AHPs) must travel to an off-site location, the employer must pay for their travel expenses.

      Mandatory training for allied health professionals (AHPs) is vital to:

    • Improve the performance of allied health professionals (AHPs).
    • Strengthen skills that each allied health professionals (AHPs) need to improve.
    • Bring all allied health professionals (AHPs) to a higher level, so they all have similar skills and knowledge.
    • Mandatory training will give allied health professionals (AHPs) the following benefits:

    • Increased job satisfaction and morale among care workers.
    • Increased work motivation.
    • Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain.
    • Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods.
    • Increased innovation in strategies and products.
    • If you already hold evidence that you have completed relevant mandatory courses, all you need to do is send this to your placement officer. The placement officer will then document this on your file.

      Generally, statutory training for allied health professionals (AHPs) is the training that the law requires. A legislative body instructs an organisation to provide statutory training for allied health professionals (AHPs) based on specific legislation, such as the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

      Statutory training intends to update allied health professionals (AHPs) and other health and social care staff with the latest legislation, regulations, guidance and best practice recommendations. Statutory training also ensures that allied health professionals (AHPs) have the skills and knowledge to maintain a healthy and safe working environment for themselves, their colleagues, and patients/service users.

      Here at The Mandatory Training Group, many people get in touch with us to understand the difference between statutory and mandatory training. In practice, many health and social care providers and allied health professionals (AHPs) often describe both types of training as 'essential training' or 'compulsory training'. At times, they use the terms 'statutory mandatory training' or 'mandatory training'.

      So, what is the difference between statutory and mandatory training? The majority of healthcare and social care organisations use the term 'mandatory training' as a 'catch-all' to cover both mandatory and statutory training.

      Statutory and mandatory training frameworks that meet the criteria for better health are as follows:

    • UK Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF)
    • Care Quality Commission inspection standards
    • NHS resolution risk management standards
    • NHS commitment.
    • The training modules in our statutory and mandatory training packages are appropriate in depth to the level of understanding needed for various healthcare and social care professionals.

      Our UK Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF) aligned mandatory and statutory training courses provide interactive online training resources and end of course assessments for doctors, allied health professionals (AHPs), nurses, nursing and care staff. We strive to support health and social care staff to comply with their mandatory training requirements.

      Our UK Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF) aligned statutory and mandatory training packages are essential for health and social care workers who work in NHS hospitals, private hospitals, adult social care and related settings. This includes nurses, doctors, allied health professionals (AHPs) and health and social care support workers, as well as locum doctors, agency nurses, support workers and healthcare assistants. These online statutory and mandatory training packages benefits busy allied health professionals (AHPs) and other healthcare and social care professionals.

      The Mandatory Training Group provides additional online learning resources that provide more details for learners to refer to during the course, and in practice. For those who have completed statutory and mandatory training courses before, these training package provides you with the critical legal and professional issues as specified in the UK Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF).

      The UK Core Skills Training Framework recommends that allied health professionals (AHPs) and other health and social care workers who do not have client-facing roles may only be required to take some of these statutory and mandatory courses. Please check with your employer to clarify which mandatory and statutory training courses are relevant to you as the Mandatory Training Group will not be responsible if you take the wrong courses.

      The Mandatory Training Group will provide you with optional statutory and mandatory training courses that your area of work requires. You can, however, choose the mandatory training modules that are most suited to your specific clinical environment. If you are a locum doctor, allied health professional (AHP), agency worker or agency nurse, please check with your locum agency regarding the specific mandatory training modules you require to meet compliance requirements.

      You can also select from our wide range of individual CPD courses in our e-learning for the healthcare and social care course catalogue.

      Statutory and mandatory training courses are essential for allied health professionals (AHPs). Statutory and mandatory training supports health and social care professionals and allied health professionals (AHPs) in achieving the standards set by regulatory authorities and in meeting organisational obligations.

      Our statutory and mandatory training packages cover all the legislative and regulatory requirements for care workers and allied health professionals (AHPs) to work safely and efficiently, as well as to minimise litigation.

      NHS Trusts, private healthcare providers, care homes and other Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulated organisations have a legal responsibility to provide various statutory and mandatory training courses that allied health professionals (AHPs) must attend.

      As statutory training is required to ensure that the organisation is meeting its legislative duties, mandatory training is an organisational requirement that aims to limit risks and maintain a safe working practice.

      Our mandatory and statutory training courses help both health and social care employers and employees, including allied health professionals (AHPs) to fulfil their legislative duties. These comprehensive courses provide the essential knowledge and understanding as required by regulatory authorities.

      Allied health professionals (AHPs), as well as other health and social care workers and providers, will gain huge benefits from our statutory and mandatory training packages. Some of the benefits of our packaged mandatory training bundles include:

    • All the statutory and mandatory training courses an allied health professionals (AHPs) need to meet compliance requirements in one bundle.
    • Allied health professionals (AHPs) just need to pay one price and complete their statutory and mandatory training all in one day.
    • Allied health professionals (AHPs) can start their online statutory and mandatory training and finish in one go, or leave and pick up where they left off.
    • Allied health professionals (AHPs) can complete their statutory and mandatory training modules in their own time, anytime and anywhere.
    • Allied health professionals (AHPs) can complete their mandatory and statutory training courses online, on any device, including desktop computers, tablets, laptops or even mobile phones.
    • Meet the CQC and NHS framework requirements for agency and locum workers, including allied health professionals (AHPs).
    • Allied health professionals (AHPs) can download, save, print or email their mandatory and statutory training certificates to their locum agency or employer.
    • All allied health professionals (AHPs) can register for FREE statutory and mandatory training modules and discounts for online CPD training courses.
    • The majority of NHS Trusts, private healthcare providers, nursing agencies, locum and other health and social care agencies now insist that allied health professionals (AHPs) and other healthcare and social care professionals working in their organisations should complete mandatory and statutory training that is aligned to the UK Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF).

      All our core health and social care statutory and mandatory training modules are aligned to the UK Core Skills Training Framework (UKCSTF).

      To enrol on this online Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) course package, please add the course to your basket. From there, you will be redirected to our secure checkout page to complete your booking.

      Once you complete your online order, you will receive a confirmation email within a few minutes. You will also receive a separate email, including the link to your statutory and mandatory training for allied health professionals (AHPs) courses online and login details.

      You should then be able to access your online learning portal immediately and complete your statutory and mandatory training for allied health professionals (AHPs) modules.

      Upon successful completion of each of the online mandatory training for allied health professionals (AHPs) modules, you will be able to download, save and/or print a quality-assured continuing professional development (CPD) certificate.

      Our CPD certificates are recognised internationally and can be used to provide evidence for compliance and audit.

      The CPD Certification Service (CPDUK) accredits all of our statutory and mandatory training courses as conforming to the universally-accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.

      On completion of each of the statutory and mandatory training courses for allied health professionals (AHPs), you will be required to complete an online assessment (pass mark of 80%).

      If you do not pass the first, do not worry. You can take the online test as many times as you need with no extra charge.

      Mandatory Training for Allied Health Professionals – Online Training Courses - Intermediate level - UKCSTF Aligned.

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