Long-Term Conditions eLearning Courses & Training - Online Management of Long-Term Conditions Training Courses - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Long-Term Conditions eLearning Courses & Training

In the UK, managing Long-Term Conditions (LTCs) is a cornerstone of NHS healthcare provision, focusing on holistic, patient-centred care. A multi-disciplinary approach involves general practitioners, specialist doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals. Integrated care systems facilitate coordinated service delivery across primary, secondary, and community care. Self-management is also emphasised, with resources and education provided to empower patients.

The NHS Long-Term Plan outlines strategies to enhance community-based care, reduce hospital admissions, and leverage digital health interventions. Key policies include personalised care plans, regular reviews, and a shift towards prevention and early intervention. Collaborations with local authorities and voluntary sectors further support the social and emotional aspects of living with LTCs. Despite the robust framework, challenges persist, including resource constraints and ensuring equality in care access and quality across different regions. #LongTermCareTraining 

Long-Term Conditions eLearning Courses & Training - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

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Managing long-term conditions courses & training

In the UK, courses and training for managing long-term conditions (LTCs) are integral to healthcare education. They target healthcare professionals, enhancing skills in patient-centred care, multidisciplinary teamwork, and the use of technology in monitoring and support.

Often available through NHS Trusts, universities, and professional bodies, programmes emphasise evidence-based approaches, self-management promotion, and communication skills. They address chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and respiratory illnesses, incorporating the latest research and policy frameworks. Digital learning platforms have expanded access, enabling professionals to keep abreast of best practices and innovations in LTC management. These courses are pivotal in improving outcomes and the quality of life for patients with LTCs. #ComplyPlusLMS

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Key definitions

  • Long-Term Conditions (LTCs) - Chronic illnesses requiring ongoing management over a year or more, such as diabetes, heart disease, and chronic respiratory conditions.
  • Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) - A group of health and care professionals from different specialities working together to deliver comprehensive care tailored to individual patient needs.
  • Self-management - Empowering patients with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to take control of their daily management of their condition, including understanding symptoms and how to manage them.
  • Integrated care - Coordination of services and support across healthcare sectors (primary, secondary, community) and organisations to provide seamless, effective care for patients with LTCs.
  • Personalised care plan - A tailored plan developed in partnership between the patient and healthcare professionals, outlining individual goals, treatments, and support needed.
  • Telehealth/telemedicine - Use of digital technology and communications to monitor patients' conditions remotely, provide advice, and deliver healthcare services.
  • Preventive care - Healthcare services focused on disease prevention and health maintenance to avoid or delay the onset of LTCs or their complications.
  • Patient-centred care - An approach to care that respects and responds to individual patient preferences, needs, and values, ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.
  • Quality of life - A measure of the general well-being of individuals and societies, encompassing not only health but also factors like psychological well-being, level of independence, social relationships, personal beliefs, and relationship to salient features of the environment.
  • Health literacy - The degree to which individuals can obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions, crucial for effective self-management of LTCs. #ChronicDiseaseManagement

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Legislation, regulations and expert guidance

In the UK, managing long-term conditions is guided by legislation and regulations like the Health and Social Care Act and the Equality Act, ensuring quality and non-discriminatory care. The NHS Long Term Plan provides a strategic framework for prevention, digital health, and personalised care. NICE guidelines offer evidence-based recommendations for specific conditions. Professional bodies, such as the GMC and NMC, provide standards for clinical practice.

Furthermore, CQC regulations ensure service quality and safety, while NHS England's Integrated Care Systems promote coordinated, patient-centred care. These frameworks are supported by expert guidance from health organisations and condition-specific charities. #HealthcareTrainingUK

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Regulatory and professional bodies

In the UK, managing long-term conditions involves several regulatory and professional bodies. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) oversees service quality and safety. NHS England leads the direction of strategic health service.

Professional bodies such as the General Medical Council (GMC), Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), and General Dental Council (GDC) set standards for healthcare professionals. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) provides evidence-based guidelines. Additionally, specific condition-focused organisations offer guidance and support to both professionals and patients in managing long-term conditions. #MandatoryTrainingGroup

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Relevant national occupational standards:

In the UK, national occupational standards (NOS) for managing long-term conditions encompass competencies across various health and social care roles. These standards ensure professionals have the necessary skills in patient-centred care, communication, and collaboration within multidisciplinary teams.

Key areas include promoting self-management, supporting lifestyle changes, and understanding the psychosocial impact of long-term conditions. The standards also emphasise the importance of evidence-based practice, care planning, and coordination. Skills for Health is a prominent body developing NOS, ensuring healthcare workers can deliver high-quality, consistent care for individuals with long-term conditions. #OnlineHealthcareCourses

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CQC key questions and fundamental standards

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) evaluates services based on five key questions: Are they safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led? In managing long-term conditions, these translate into ensuring patient safety from avoidable harm, providing evidence-based care, demonstrating compassion and understanding, meeting individual needs, and maintaining high governance and leadership standards.

The CQC's fundamental standards, integral to these questions, include person-centred care, dignity and respect, consent, safety, safeguarding from abuse, good governance, and staffing. Providers must meet these standards to ensure high-quality, safe, and effective care for individuals with long-term conditions. #CPDAccreditedTraining

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Aims, objectives and learning outcomes


The course aims to equip healthcare professionals with comprehensive knowledge and skills for managing long-term conditions effectively. It focuses on enhancing the quality of life for patients through integrated, patient-centred care.

The course intends to promote a deep understanding of the complexities of long-term conditions, fostering a proactive approach to prevention, treatment, and support and encouraging collaboration across multidisciplinary teams to deliver coordinated care. #LTCManagement

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  • Educate professionals about the pathophysiology, psychosocial impact, and current evidence-based management strategies for various long-term conditions.
  • Develop communication and interpersonal skills to effectively engage with patients, fostering their self-management abilities and adherence to treatment plans.
  • Train in using digital health tools for monitoring and supporting patients remotely.
  • Enhance decision-making and problem-solving skills in complex care scenarios, ensuring safe, effective, and person-centred care.
  • Facilitate interdisciplinary learning and collaboration, sharing best practices and resources for a unified approach to managing long-term conditions. #PatientCentredCare

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Learning Outcomes

Upon completing the course, participants will be able to

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the nature and challenges of long-term conditions.
  • Apply evidence-based practices in creating and implementing effective care plans tailored to individual patient needs.
  • Utilise communication strategies to support patients and their families effectively, enhancing their self-management skills.
  • Integrate digital tools and technologies in monitoring and managing long-term conditions efficiently.
  • Collaborate effectively within multidisciplinary teams, contributing to cohesive, patient-centred care delivery.
  • Navigate and adhere to the relevant legal, ethical, and professional frameworks guiding the management of long-term conditions. #DigitalHealthLearning

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Why are managing long-term conditions training courses important?

Managing long-term conditions (LTCs) training courses are crucial because they equip healthcare professionals with the skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality, patient-centred care. These courses foster a holistic understanding of LTCs, addressing not just the physical but also the psychological and social aspects of chronic illness.

They promote evidence-based practices, ensuring that care is efficient and effective. Importantly, they enable healthcare providers to support patients in self-management, improving their quality of life. As LTCs become increasingly prevalent, these courses ensure the healthcare workforce is prepared to meet this patient group's complex, evolving needs. #SelfManagementLTC

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Managing long-term conditions distance learning courses & training

They offer flexible, accessible education for healthcare professionals, allowing them to develop and update their knowledge and skills in managing chronic illnesses. These courses leverage online platforms, providing interactive materials, virtual simulations, and webinars. They cover various aspects, including patient-centred care, multidisciplinary approaches, and the latest digital health technologies.

Such programs are designed to fit around professional commitments, offering self-paced learning and often real-time support from tutors. They are crucial for ensuring that the workforce stays abreast of current best practices, research, and strategies in managing long-term conditions, enhancing care quality and patient outcomes. #HealthcareCompliance

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Managing long-term conditions online training courses

Managing long-term conditions online training courses provide a comprehensive, convenient platform for healthcare professionals to improve their expertise in chronic disease management. These courses deliver in-depth content on disease pathology, patient engagement, and care strategies through interactive modules, video lectures, and virtual case studies.

They emphasise a holistic, patient-centred approach, incorporating the latest evidence-based practice and digital healthcare solutions. With flexible access, professionals can learn independently with flexible access, balancing continuing education with work commitments. This modality ensures that practitioners are well-equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to improve outcomes for patients with long-term conditions. #NHSBestPractices

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Free managing long-term conditions E-Learning courses & training

Free managing long-term conditions E-Learning courses offer an accessible and cost-effective way for healthcare professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills. These courses, available through platforms like ComplyPlus LMS™, provide comprehensive content on various chronic diseases, treatment strategies, patient communication, and self-management support.

Interactive modules, downloadable resources, and self-assessment quizzes facilitate an engaging learning experience. Such courses democratise education, allowing professionals from diverse backgrounds to stay updated with best practices and emerging trends in chronic disease management, ultimately contributing to improved patient care and outcomes in the healthcare sector. #ProfessionalHealthTraining

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Managing long-term conditions train the trainer eLearning courses & training

Managing long-term conditions "Train the Trainer" eLearning courses are designed to empower healthcare educators and leaders to teach and mentor others in chronic disease management effectively. These courses offer comprehensive content, including adult learning principles, instructional design, and effective delivery methods for engaging and impactful training.

Participants learn to create conducive learning environments, use interactive eLearning tools, and assess learner outcomes. By equipping trainers with these skills, the courses ensure that knowledge about managing long-term conditions is cascaded effectively, fostering a well-informed healthcare workforce capable of delivering high-quality, patient-centred care. Managing long-term conditions on ComplyPlus LMS™. #IntegratedCareSolutions

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The Mandatory Training Group is a leading UK provider of accredited managing long-term conditions courses and training available on ComplyPlus LMS™. The list of the most common online training courses related to managing long-term conditions include:

Grasp the long-term condition definition NICE outlines through our interactive eLearning courses - Enhance Your Knowledge

Professional body recommendations and published best practice guidance

Professional bodies like the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) offer recommendations for managing long-term conditions, emphasising patient-centred care, multidisciplinary approaches, and self-management support. NICE guidelines provide evidence-based best practices for specific conditions.

The BMJ and the Lancet publish peer-reviewed literature, including studies like "Improving the Quality of Care for People with Long-term Conditions" (Vogeli et al., 2007, BMJ) and "Self-management Education and Support in Chronic Disease Management" (Bodenheimer et al., Annals of Internal Medicine). These resources collectively guide the curriculum of training courses, ensuring they reflect current standards and research in chronic disease management. #HealthcareLegislationTraining

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Guidance for managers and leaders

Effective management of long-term conditions (LTCs) is crucial for healthcare leaders and managers, directly impacting patient outcomes, service quality, and resource optimization. Recognising the multifaceted nature of LTCs is key, encompassing medical treatment, psychological support, and lifestyle adjustments.


  • Quality of care - Effective LTC management ensures high standards of care, improving patient satisfaction and health outcomes.
  • Resource efficiency - Proactive management can prevent complications and reduce hospital admissions, optimising resource allocation.
  • Compliance - Adhering to legal and regulatory requirements safeguards against litigation and ensures service quality. #ChronicCareProfessionals

    Enhance your care delivery with our courses based on management of long-term conditions NICE guidelines - Deliver Quality Care

    Tips for implementation

    • Education and training - Invest in regular staff training on LTC management, ensuring alignment with the latest clinical guidelines and teaching patient-centred care principles.
    • Interdisciplinary approach - Foster a collaborative environment where multidisciplinary teams can collaborate, sharing insights and strategies for comprehensive care.
    • Patient involvement - Encourage patient participation in care planning and decision-making, enhancing adherence to treatment and self-management.
    • Leverage technology - Implement digital solutions for remote monitoring and patient engagement, improving access and continuity of care.
    • Policy and procedure review - Regularly review and update policies and procedures, ensuring they reflect the latest legislation, regulations, and best practice recommendations.
    • Quality assurance - Establish robust mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating care delivery, using feedback and data to drive continuous improvement.
    • Staff support - Recognise the emotional toll of managing LTCs on staff and provide adequate support, including counselling and resilience training.

    By prioritising these aspects, leaders and managers can ensure their organisations are well-equipped to meet the complex needs of patients with long-term conditions, aligning with best practices and regulatory standards. #UKHealthcareEducation

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    Managing long-term conditions policy and procedures

    Managers and leaders should develop policies and procedures for managing long-term conditions (LTCs) that are comprehensive, patient-centred, and compliant with UK and relevant international legislation.

    Begin by referencing the Health and Social Care Act and Equality Act, ensuring non-discriminatory, high-quality care. Incorporate guidelines from NHS frameworks and NICE to align with national standards. To uphold professional standards, integrate GMC, NMC, HCPC, and GDC principles.

    Address data protection and patient confidentiality in line with GDPR and the Data Protection Act. Include international regulations like the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, ensuring respect for universal healthcare rights. Ensure policies cover multidisciplinary collaboration, patient empowerment, and evidence-based practice. Regularly review and update these documents to reflect changes in legislation, guidelines, and best practices, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence in LTC management. #QualityCareTraining

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    Embracing the challenge: Mastering long-term condition management in the UK

    In the UK, the effective management of long-term conditions (LTCs) is not just a healthcare priority but a societal imperative. With an ageing population and the prevalence of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and COPD on the rise, the need for comprehensive and competent LTC management has never been more critical.

    Key facts and statistics

    • Over 15 million people in the UK live with at least one long-term condition, accounting for 50% of all GP appointments and 70% of the total health and care spending (NHS England).
    • Effective LTC management can significantly reduce hospital admissions and improve the quality of life for millions.

    Legislation and best practices

    • The Health and Social Care Act and Equality Act mandate equitable, high-quality care.
    • The NHS Long Term Plan and NICE guidelines set forth a blueprint for prevention, personalised care, and integration of services.
    • Professional standards by the GMC, NMC, HCPC, and GDC ensure that healthcare providers meet the highest competency levels.

    Strategies for success: Integrated care

    Emphasising a patient-centred approach, integrated care combines primary, secondary, and community care services to deliver a seamless patient experience.

    Empowering self-management

    Educating patients to manage their conditions effectively reduces complications and enhances their quality of life.

    Leveraging technology

    Digital health solutions, such as telemedicine and health apps, offer new avenues for monitoring and supporting patients with LTCs.


    The journey to mastering LTC management is complex but undoubtedly rewarding. It requires a commitment to continuous learning, adherence to stringent standards, and an unwavering focus on patient-centred care.

    Are you ready to be at the forefront of this transformation? Explore our comprehensive range of courses on managing long-term conditions and join a community committed to setting new standards in healthcare excellence. Let's shape the future of chronic disease management together. #EvidenceBasedHealthcare

    Ensure your practice meets the management of long-term conditions NICE guidelines with our updated courses - Stay Compliant

    Managing long-term conditions in the community

    In England, the management of long-term conditions like asthma, diabetes, and epilepsy, especially among children and young people, is undergoing significant reform under the NHS Long Term Plan. This initiative aims to improve community care for these conditions, thereby reducing the strain on emergency hospital services. Recent data from NHS Digital highlights a promising trend: emergency hospital admissions for children with these conditions are decreasing, indicating improved community management. However, despite this progress, challenges such as inconsistent emergency admission rates and suboptimal management in certain areas persist.

    For instance, asthma, affecting over 900,000 young individuals, shows a significant adherence to NICE guidelines in hospitals, with most having their inhaler techniques checked before discharge. Yet, there's limited insight into the broader implementation of these guidelines. Similarly, while more children with type 1 diabetes are receiving essential health checks, adherence to recommended monitoring frequencies varies, underscoring the need for more consistent care.

    Epilepsy care also exhibits room for improvement. While most trusts employ specialists and undertake comprehensive care planning, the availability of epilepsy specialist nurses, crucial for ongoing support, falls short. Personal accounts, like that of 13-year-old Will, underline the difference these specialists make in managing the condition and enhancing the quality of life.

    Mental health services, identified as a critical need area in the NHS Long Term Plan, are seeing increased accessibility, yet the demand continues to surpass the supply. The intersection of mental and physical health is particularly notable in conditions like diabetes, where psychological well-being significantly impacts disease management.

    As trialled by institutions like Great Ormond Street Hospital, the integration of NICE-recommended psychological therapies and dedicated support services points towards a comprehensive approach to managing the intricate web of long-term physical and mental health conditions. This holistic strategy addresses immediate health concerns and paves the way for a more resilient and healthier future for children and young people in England. #HealthcareCPDOnline

    Understand the complexities of long-term conditions and mental health with our NICE guideline-focused courses - Expand Your Understanding

    Living with a Long-term Condition

    Living with a long-term condition, be it arthritis, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, or hypertension, is a journey that extends beyond the physical realm. Though not curable, these conditions are manageable with the right treatment and lifestyle adjustments. However, their impact is far-reaching, affecting family dynamics, employment, housing, education, and finances.

    Navigating life with a long-term condition requires a shift in roles within the family, adaptation at work, modifications in living spaces, and adjustments in educational settings. It's a balancing act of maintaining independence while accepting the necessary support. Building a robust support network, including family, healthcare providers, and community services, is crucial. This network provides practical help and ensures a deeper understanding of the condition, fostering a respectful balance between assistance and independence.

    Effective self-management, guided by informed decision-making and supported by resources like self-management courses and personal health budgets, empowers individuals to take charge of their health. Employment, a critical aspect of life, may require adaptations—flexible hours, workspace modifications, or equipment adjustments—to harmonise with one's health needs. Understanding your rights, such as those outlined in the Equality Act 2010, ensures a supportive work environment.

    Housing modifications may be necessary to accommodate health needs, and financial support is available through schemes like the Disabled Facilities Grant. In the realm of education, children with long-term conditions have equal rights, and schools can make accommodations to support their health and learning needs.

    The financial landscape also changes, with various benefits, tax credits, and concessions available to ease the burden. Understanding and accessing these resources can significantly mitigate the financial impact of living with a long-term condition.

    In essence, while long-term conditions present challenges, a supportive framework of healthcare, community resources, legal rights, and personal empowerment transforms these challenges into a manageable aspect of life, allowing individuals and their families to navigate their journeys with dignity and resilience. #LTCWorkforceDevelopment

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    See below the most frequently asked questions about managing long-term conditions:

    What are long-term conditions (LTCs)?

    LTCs are chronic health conditions requiring ongoing management over a year or more, such as diabetes, heart disease, and COPD.

    Why is managing LTCs important?

    Effective management is crucial to enhance the quality of life for patients, reduce healthcare costs, and prevent hospital admissions.

    What legislation guides LTC management in the UK?

    Key legislation includes the Health and Social Care Act and the Equality Act, ensuring quality and equitable care.

    How does the NHS Long-Term Plan impact LTC management?

    The NHS Long Term Plan outlines strategies for integrated care, digital health interventions, and personalised care plans.

    What role does ComplyPlus LMS™ play in LTC management?

    ComplyPlus LMS™ provides a comprehensive platform for training healthcare professionals, ensuring adherence to best practices and regulations in LTC management.

    Can ComplyPlus LMS™ assist with meeting CQC standards?

    Yes, ComplyPlus LMS™ helps organisations align their LTC management training with CQC key questions and fundamental standards.

    How does technology improve LTC management?

    Technology, such as telehealth, enables remote monitoring, patient education, and more personalised care.

    What are the key components of effective LTC management?

    These include patient-centred care, multidisciplinary teamwork, self-management support, and adherence to legislation and guidelines.

    How does ComplyPlus LMS™ support evidence-based practice in LTC management?

    ComplyPlus LMS™ offers up-to-date courses and resources, ensuring healthcare professionals follow evidence-based practices.

    What is the role of self-management in LTCs?

    Self-management empowers patients to take charge of their daily care, improving outcomes and quality of life.

    How often should LTC management training be updated?

    Regular updates are essential to keep pace with the latest best practices, guidelines, and regulations.

    What professional bodies provide guidance on LTC management?

    Bodies such as the GMC, NMC, HCPC, and GDC offer professional standards and guidance.

    How does ComplyPlus LMS™ ensure compliance with professional standards?

    ComplyPlus LMS™ delivers content that aligns with the standards of relevant professional bodies.

      What is the significance of integrated care in LTC management?

      Integrated care ensures seamless coordination across different healthcare services, essential for comprehensive LTC management.

      Can ComplyPlus LMS™ help in developing personalised care plans?

      Yes, the platform provides resources and training on creating and implementing personalised care plans.

      What impact does patient education have on LTC management?

      Educating patients about their conditions fosters better self-management and adherence to treatment plans.

      How do ComplyPlus LMS™ courses stay current with legislation and best practices?

      Courses are regularly updated to reflect the latest legislation, regulations, and best practice guidance.

      Why is interdisciplinary collaboration important in LTC management?

      It brings together diverse expertise for holistic care, addressing the multifaceted needs of LTC patients.

      How does ComplyPlus LMS™ support continuous professional development?

      It offers a range of courses and training materials, enabling healthcare professionals to enhance their skills in LTC management continually.

      What support does ComplyPlus LMS™ provide for managing mental health in LTCs?

      The platform includes resources and training focused on the psychological aspects of LTCs, promoting a comprehensive approach to patient well-being. #HealthPolicyTraining

      Comprehend the long-term condition definition by NHS through our detailed course materials - Deepen Your Understanding

        Why choose ComplyPlus LMS™?

        Choose ComplyPlus LMS™ by The Mandatory Training Group UK for your managing long-term conditions training to ensure excellence in healthcare education. Our platform offers cutting-edge, CPD-accredited courses tailored to the latest UK legislation and best practices. With ComplyPlus LMS™, benefit from interactive, flexible learning that fits your schedule, backed by comprehensive support and resources. Elevate your professional skills and stay ahead in providing top-notch patient care. Join our community of healthcare leaders today and transform your approach to chronic disease management. #ChronicConditionEducation

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        Long-Term Conditions eLearning Courses & Training - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

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