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Everyday life with autism - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK - Everyday life with autism Understanding autism: A journey through parenting, challenges, and support Parenting an autistic child is both a unique challenge and a rewarding journey, filled with moments of profound connection and understanding. Autism, or...
Read more >Autism and sleep challenges - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK - Autism and sleep challenges Understanding and overcoming sleep challenges in autism: Solutions for better rest For many individuals with autism, achieving restful sleep can be a persistent challenge. Sleep issues are not just an inconvenience—they can...
Read more >Diet and nutrition in autism - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK - Diet and nutrition in autism The role of diet and nutrition in autism: What you need to know Autism is a complex and multifaceted condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While the causes and...
Read more >Epilepsy in autism - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK - Epilepsy in autism Understanding epilepsy in autism: Raising awareness and seeking support Epilepsy and autism are two complex neurological conditions that often intersect, affecting many individuals and families around the world. As the prevalence of autism continues...
Read more >Haircuts and meltdowns in autism - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK - Haircuts and meltdowns in autism Haircuts and meltdowns in autism: Tips and management strategies Haircuts can be a challenging experience for many autistic individuals, primarily due to heightened sensory sensitivities and discomfort with unfamiliar environments....
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