My exciting week and the Christmas Fayre adventure!

My exciting week and the Christmas Fayre adventure! - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by RuthBlack via Envato Elements

Hey there, world! It’s your friend Jaden again! 🌟

I had a super cool week to tell you about! You know how school is always busy? Well, this week was extra fun because we had our Christmas Fayre. It was a blast, and I’m excited to tell you about it!

Getting festive: Our school's Christmas fayre extravaganza - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by Rawpixel via Envato Elements

Planning our stall - Teamwork makes the dream work

My buddies Josh, Anish and I decided to team up for the fayre. We wanted to do something fun and help raise money for charity. Our parents helped us out (they're the best!), and we came up with three fun things to do: 'Nerf or Nothing', 'Chris Trivia', and 'Knock and Strike'.

We spent a whole week planning it. It felt like we were little business bosses – figuring out money, getting everything ready, and practising at home with our families.

The big day - Fun, games, and a full house

The fayre was in our school hall, all decorated for Christmas. It started at 6 pm, and at first, it was quiet. But soon, the place got really exciting!

Our stall became super popular, and we had a blast playing our games with other kids and their grown-ups. Guess what? We raised £46! Isn't that amazing?

Fun and fundraising: A peek into our Christmas fayre activities - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by halfpoint via Envato Elements

Kids in action: Our school's charity fundraiser at the Fayre - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by OlhaRomaniuk via Envato Elements

Supporting others - Community spirit

The fayre wasn’t just about our stall. We also went to other booths to play games and support our friends. It was cool to see our teachers and even the headmaster joining in and cheering us on.

Looking forward - Dreams of summer Fayre 2024

We're already excited about next year's summer fayre. This experience taught us a lot – like how to plan things, handle money, work together as a team, and run a stall. Learning new stuff and reaching our goals is really fun!

Teamwork triumphs: How we rocked the Christmas fayre - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image from Jaden the Explorer

Community spirit shines bright at our Christmas fayre - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by dolgachov via Envato Elements

Proud moments - High fives all around

Our headmaster, teachers, and all the helpers were really proud of us. It feels great to know we did a good job and helped a good cause. Next time, we want to raise even more money and learn more cool things!

Wrapping up

This week was like a big adventure of fun and learning. Who knows, maybe these skills will help us do even bigger things in the future. I can't wait to see what's next on this awesome journey!

Little entrepreneurs: Our kids' stall at the Christmas fayre - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by dolgachov via Envato Elements

Planning our stall - Teamwork makes the dream work

Getting festive: Our school's Christmas fayre extravaganza - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by Rawpixel via Envato Elements

My buddies Josh, Anish and I decided to team up for the fayre. We wanted to do something fun and help raise money for charity. Our parents helped us out (they're the best!), and we came up with three fun things to do: 'Nerf or Nothing', 'Chris Trivia', and 'Knock and Strike'.

We spent a whole week planning it. It felt like we were little business bosses – figuring out money, getting everything ready, and practising at home with our families.

The big day - Fun, games, and a full house

Fun and fundraising: A peek into our Christmas fayre activities - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by halfpoint via Envato Elements

The fayre was in our school hall, all decorated for Christmas. It started at 6 pm, and at first, it was quiet. But soon, the place got really exciting!

Our stall became super popular, and we had a blast playing our games with other kids and their grown-ups. Guess what? We raised £46! Isn't that amazing?

Supporting others - Community spirit

Kids in action: Our school's charity fundraiser at the Fayre - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by OlhaRomaniuk via Envato Elements

The fayre wasn’t just about our stall. We also went to other booths to play games and support our friends. It was cool to see our teachers and even the headmaster joining in and cheering us on.

Looking forward - Dreams of summer Fayre 2024

Teamwork triumphs: How we rocked the Christmas fayre - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image from Jaden the Explorer

We're already excited about next year's summer fayre. This experience taught us a lot – like how to plan things, handle money, work together as a team, and run a stall. Learning new stuff and reaching our goals is really fun!

Proud moments - High fives all around

Community spirit shines bright at our Christmas fayre - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by dolgachov via Envato Elements

Our headmaster, teachers, and all the helpers were really proud of us. It feels great to know we did a good job and helped a good cause. Next time, we want to raise even more money and learn more cool things!

Wrapping up

Little entrepreneurs: Our kids' stall at the Christmas fayre - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by dolgachov via Envato Elements

This week was like a big adventure of fun and learning. Who knows, maybe these skills will help us do even bigger things in the future. I can't wait to see what's next on this awesome journey!

Raising smiles and funds: Our school's Christmas fayre adventure - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Thanks for hanging out with me, everyone! Remember, when we work together, we can do amazing stuff!

Catch you in my next post!

Jaden 😊🎉
