Leaving Dubai and going back to England

Leaving Dubai and Going Back to England  - J.T Dune -

Image from Jaden the Explorer

Hey friends! Today was a super important day for us because we’re heading back to England—and that means it’s back to basics for me because school is starting soon! I can’t wait to tell you about our trip and what’s coming next.

Leaving Dubai for England: A Personal Journey Home - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image from Jaden the Explorer

Our Dubai adventures

So, here’s the thing. Every year, on our way to the Philippines, we always stop in Dubai, but we never really stay there to explore properly. It was always a quick stopover, and we'd rush to catch the next flight. But this time, we decided to stay and check out Dubai. And oh wow, it was so much fun!

There’s so much to see and do in Dubai that every day feels like a new adventure. We visited amazing places like the Dubai Mall (where I saw an aquarium inside a shopping centre!), went to the top of the Burj Khalifa (that building is so tall), and even went sandboarding in the desert! It was like being in a real-life video game with all the cool stuff.

Goodbye, Dubai (for now)

But, like all good things, our Dubai trip had to end. I have to admit saying goodbye to Dubai was tough. We did many incredible things, and I didn’t want to leave! The food, the people, and all the fun—I will miss it all. I felt a little sad, but I know we’ll probably visit again one day.

Dubai to England Travel: From Desert Adventures to English Countryside - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image from Jaden the Explorer

Returning to England from Dubai: Reflections on a Memorable Trip - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by hwilson8 via Envato Elements

Heading back to England

The flight back to England? Surprisingly, it was one of the best flights I’ve ever had! Usually, after long trips, I’m super tired, but this time, I felt pretty good. Maybe it was because I was still thinking about all my fun, or perhaps I’m just excited about what’s next! I barely slept on the plane, and we landed in the UK before I knew it.

What’s next? secondary school!

Now that we’re back, I’m preparing for something BIG—secondary school! It’s kind of a big deal for me. I’ve been in primary school for so long, and now everything is about to change. I’ll have new teachers, new friends, and a lot of new stuff to learn. I’m nervous but also super excited! It will be a new adventure, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Even though I already miss Dubai and all the fun memories, I know exciting times are ahead. Secondary school will be a new chapter for me, and who knows what awesome things will happen there. For now, I will enjoy the rest of my holiday and prepare for this next big step in my life.

Journey from Dubai to UK: Saying Goodbye to the City of Dreams - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image from Jaden the Explorer

Our Dubai adventures

Leaving Dubai for England: A Personal Journey Home - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image from Jaden the Explorer

So, here’s the thing. Every year, on our way to the Philippines, we always stop in Dubai, but we never really stay there to explore properly. It was always a quick stopover, and we'd rush to catch the next flight. But this time, we decided to stay and check out Dubai. And oh wow, it was so much fun!

There’s so much to see and do in Dubai that every day feels like a new adventure. We visited amazing places like the Dubai Mall (where I saw an aquarium inside a shopping centre!), went to the top of the Burj Khalifa (that building is so tall), and even went sandboarding in the desert! It was like being in a real-life video game with all the cool stuff.

Goodbye, Dubai (for now)

Dubai to England Travel: From Desert Adventures to English Countryside - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image from Jaden the Explorer

But, like all good things, our Dubai trip had to end. I have to admit saying goodbye to Dubai was tough. We did many incredible things, and I didn’t want to leave! The food, the people, and all the fun—I will miss it all. I felt a little sad, but I know we’ll probably visit again one day.

Heading back to England

Returning to England from Dubai: Reflections on a Memorable Trip - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image by hwilson8 via Envato Elements

The flight back to England? Surprisingly, it was one of the best flights I’ve ever had! Usually, after long trips, I’m super tired, but this time, I felt pretty good. Maybe it was because I was still thinking about all my fun, or perhaps I’m just excited about what’s next! I barely slept on the plane, and we landed in the UK before I knew it.

What’s next? secondary school!

Journey from Dubai to UK: Saying Goodbye to the City of Dreams - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Image from Jaden the Explorer

Now that we’re back, I’m preparing for something BIG—secondary school! It’s kind of a big deal for me. I’ve been in primary school for so long, and now everything is about to change. I’ll have new teachers, new friends, and a lot of new stuff to learn. I’m nervous but also super excited! It will be a new adventure, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Even though I already miss Dubai and all the fun memories, I know exciting times are ahead. Secondary school will be a new chapter for me, and who knows what awesome things will happen there. For now, I will enjoy the rest of my holiday and prepare for this next big step in my life.

Back to England from Dubai: Embracing New Beginnings - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

Thanks for reading, and I’ll keep you all posted on how school goes!


Transition to Secondary School: Year 6 Highlights and Reflections - The Mandatory Training Group UK -