CPR guidelines for adults, children and babies

Life-saving measures: The essential guide to CPR for all ages

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving technique used in emergencies when a person's heart stops beating. Immediate action using CPR can significantly enhance the chances of survival after cardiac arrest. In this blog, Dr Richard Dune delves into the critical aspects of CPR on adults, children, and infants, underlining the importance of proper training and awareness.

Key facts and statistics

  • Every second counts - Approximately 60,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in the UK annually. Effective bystander CPR provided immediately after sudden cardiac arrest can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival.
  • Impact on survival rates - Less than 1 in 10 people survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the UK. However, if CPR is initiated early, the survival rates can increase significantly.

Key definitions and relevant legislations

  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) - Is a rescue technique that combines chest compressions, often with artificial ventilation, to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person in cardiac arrest.
  • Legislation and Regulations - In the UK, the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 mandate that employers ensure adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities, and personnel to ensure employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. This includes provision for CPR training and equipment.

Understanding CPR across different age groups

  • Adults - Place the heel of your hand on the centre of the person's chest. Put your other hand on top of the first. Press down hard and fast, at least 5-6 cm deep, and at 100 to 120 compressions per minute.
  • Children (1 to puberty) - Use one hand for chest compressions if sufficient, or two hands if required, compressing at least one-third of the depth of the chest at the same rate as for adults.
  • Infants (below 1 year) - Use two fingers to deliver compressions that depress the chest by about one-third of its depth. The pace of compressions is the same—100 to 120 compressions per minute.

Best practices

Regular training and re-certification: Ensure CPR skills are updated regularly through certified training courses.

  • Public Access Defibrillators (PADs) - Familiarity with the location and use of PADs can enhance survival rates.
  • Tailored training for specific environments, such as workplaces, schools, and sports facilities, ensuring readiness in different settings.


  • Education and training - Organisations must invest in regular CPR training and certification for their employees to comply with health and safety regulations and enhance workplace safety.
  • Community involvement - Encourage community CPR training sessions to increase the number of bystanders capable of CPR in emergencies.
  • Awareness campaigns - Promote awareness by highlighting the importance of learning CPR and the difference it can make in saving lives.


Understanding and performing CPR correctly is vital. Regardless of profession, every individual should have basic knowledge and skills in CPR. Early intervention can be the difference between life and death, making it essential for everyone to take the time to learn this crucial skill.

Are you ready to take a step towards saving lives? Click here today to learn more about our certified CPR training courses and ensure you are prepared to act confidently in an emergency. Don't wait—train today to make a difference tomorrow.

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always seek professional medical assistance in emergency situations.

About the author

Dr Richard Dune

With over 20 years of experience, Richard blends a rich background in NHS, the private sector, academia, and research settings. His forte lies in clinical R&D, advancing healthcare tech, workforce development and governance. His leadership ensures regulatory compliance and innovation align seamlessly.

The essential guide to CPR for all ages - ComplyPlus™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

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