Cost effectiveness of the train the trainer model

Unlocking cost-effective learning: The train the trainer model

In professional development, investing in training is not just about ticking boxes; it's about cultivating a culture of growth and expertise within an organisation. The' train the trainer' model is one of the most potent strategies for achieving this. This transformative approach empowers internal staff to become educators, fostering a self-sustaining learning and development cycle. In this blog, Anna delves into the cost-effectiveness of this model and why it's a game-changer for organisations seeking to build robust internal learning and development capacity.

Key facts and statistics

  • According to the Association for Talent Development research, organisations that invest in comprehensive training programs enjoy a 24% higher profit margin than those that spend less on training.
  • A McKinsey study found that companies with a strong learning culture outperform their peers by 46% to 58% in revenue growth and are 30% more likely to be market leaders in their respective industries.

Key definitions

  • Train the Trainer (TTT) - A methodology where experienced employees or external trainers impart knowledge and skills to designated internal staff, who become trainers.
  • Internal learning and development capacity - The ability of an organisation to facilitate continuous learning and skill development among its workforce, primarily through internal resources and expertise.

Relevant legislation, regulations, and best practice

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (UK) - Mandates employers to provide adequate training for employees to ensure their health and safety at work.
  • Care Quality Commission (CQC) Regulations - Require healthcare providers to ensure staff competency through appropriate training and development.
  • Ofsted Standards (for educational institutions) - Emphasise the importance of continuous professional development for educators to maintain high-quality teaching standards.

The power of internal training

Empowering employees with the skills to train others enhances their individual capabilities and strengthens the organisation as a whole. By harnessing internal talent, companies can tailor training programs to meet specific needs, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

Cost-effectiveness in action

Investing in external training programs for every skill requirement can be financially draining—however, the Train the Trainer model offers a cost-effective alternative. By training a select group of employees to become trainers, organisations can multiply the impact of their investment, reaching a larger audience without exponentially increasing costs.

Creating a learning ecosystem

The train the trainer model, goes beyond mere cost savings; it creates a culture of continuous learning within the organisation. As trainers pass on their knowledge and skills, they also imbue their peers with a sense of ownership over their development journey, fostering a dynamic learning ecosystem.


  • Identify key areas where internal expertise can be leveraged for training purposes.
  • Invest in comprehensive train the trainer programs to equip internal trainers with the necessary skills and knowledge.
  • Encourage a culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration to sustain the learning momentum beyond formal training sessions.


Investing in learning and development is non-negotiable in a rapidly evolving business landscape. However, the key lies in doing so strategically and cost-effectively. The train the trainer model offers a compelling solution, empowering organisations to build internal learning and development capacity sustainably. By nurturing a culture of continuous learning, organisations can thrive and lead in their respective industries.

Ready to unlock your workforce's full potential through the train the trainer model? Click here to explore how our comprehensive training solutions can help build a resilient and dynamic learning culture.

About the author

Anna Nova Galeon

Anna, our wordsmith extraordinaire, plays a pivotal role in quality assurance. She collaborates seamlessly with subject matter experts and marketers to meet stringent quality standards. Her linguistic precision and meticulous attention to detail elevate our content, ensuring prominence, clarity, and alignment with global quality benchmarks.

Unlocking cost-effective learning: The train the trainer model - ComplyPlus™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

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