Essential policies and procedures for early years providers

Early years settings are the foundation for a child's development and learning, and maintaining high standards is crucial for ensuring their safety and well-being. A key aspect of achieving these standards is having comprehensive and effective policies and procedures.

In this blog, Anna Nova explores the essential policies and procedures required in early years settings, highlighting their importance, key facts, and recommended best practices for implementation.

The importance of policies and procedures

Policies are formal statements that outline an organisation's approach to specific areas such as health and safety, safeguarding, and equality. Procedures are detailed, step-by-step instructions on how policies are to be implemented in day-to-day operations.

Policies and procedures in early years settings serve as the backbone of operational excellence, safeguarding children, staff, and the broader community. According to the Department for Education (DfE), robust policies ensure that early years providers meet the statutory requirements outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework.

Key facts and statistics

  • The EYFS framework sets the standards for learning, development, and care for children from birth to five years old in the UK.
  • Ofsted inspections consider the presence and effectiveness of policies and procedures as a critical factor in their evaluations.
  • According to the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA), over 70% of early years settings have updated their policies in the past two years to reflect current legislation and best practices.

Essential policies and procedures

Essential Policies and Procedures Description Best Practices
Safeguarding and Child Protection Safeguarding policies are paramount in protecting children from harm. These policies should include clear procedures for identifying and reporting child welfare concerns, alongside staff training requirements. Regularly update the safeguarding policy to reflect current legislation and guidance from bodies like the NSPCC.

Ensure all staff receive regular safeguarding training and understand their responsibilities.

Implement robust recruitment procedures to ensure the suitability of individuals working with children.
Health and Safety Health and safety policies ensure a safe environment for children, staff, and visitors. These policies should cover risk assessments, accident reporting, and emergency procedures. Conduct regular risk assessments and update them as necessary.

Train staff on health and safety protocols and ensure they are familiar with emergency procedures.

Maintain accurate records of accidents and incidents to identify trends and areas for improvement.
Equality and Diversity Equality and diversity policies promote inclusive practices, ensuring all children have equal opportunities regardless of their background. Develop policies that align with the Equality Act 2010, promoting non-discrimination.

Provide staff with training on diversity and inclusion.

Regularly review policies to ensure they meet the needs of all children and families.
Behaviour Management Effective behaviour management policies help create a positive learning environment. These policies should outline acceptable behaviours, strategies for promoting good behaviour, and procedures for addressing challenging behaviour. Ensure behaviour management strategies are consistent with the EYFS framework.

Train staff in positive behaviour management techniques.

Engage with parents and carers to support consistent behaviour expectations at home and in the setting.

Implementation of policies and procedures

Regular reviews and updates

Policies and procedures should be living documents, regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in legislation and best practices. To achieve this, establish a schedule for regular policy reviews. Involve staff in the review process to ensure policies are practical and effective. Additionally, keep abreast of updates from regulatory bodies such as Ofsted and the DfE.

Staff training and development

Continuous professional development (CPD) ensures staff are knowledgeable and competent in implementing policies and procedures. Provide ongoing training opportunities for staff to enhance their skills and knowledge. Utilise platforms like ComplyPlus™ to manage and track CPD activities. Foster a culture of learning and development within the setting to maintain high standards of practice.

Click here to enrol in our online childcare and early years training courses.


Effective policies and procedures are essential for the smooth operation of early years settings, ensuring children's safety, well-being, and development. By regularly reviewing and updating these documents, providing staff training, and staying informed about legislative changes, early years providers can maintain high standards and foster a positive environment for all.

Click here to explore ComplyPlus™ and ensure your early years setting is fully compliant with the latest legislation and best practices. Our comprehensive software and training solutions help you efficiently manage policies, procedures, and staff development.

About the author

Anna Nova Galeon

Anna, our wordsmith extraordinaire, plays a pivotal role in quality assurance. She collaborates seamlessly with subject matter experts and marketers to meet stringent quality standards. Her linguistic precision and meticulous attention to detail elevate our content, ensuring prominence, clarity, and alignment with global quality benchmarks.

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