Role of the British Institute of Facilities Management

The role of the British Institute of Facilities Management

Facilities management is an essential aspect of maintaining and optimising the functionality of buildings and environments where people live and work. In the UK, the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) plays a pivotal role in setting standards and guiding the industry. In this blog, Dr Richard Dune will explore the significance of BIFM, its key definitions, statistics, and recommended best practices for implementing relevant legislation and regulations.

Key facts and statistics

  • The UK facilities management market is substantial, with an estimated value of £120 billion as of 2023.
  • Facilities management employs over 10% of the UK's workforce, highlighting its importance to the economy.
  • Facilities managers play a crucial role in achieving sustainability goals, with 75% of facilities managers reporting involvement in sustainability initiatives (IWFM, 2023).

Key definitions

  • Facilities Management (FM) - The integration of processes within an organisation to maintain and develop the agreed services that support and improve its primary activities' effectiveness.
  • IWFM - The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management, previously known as BIFM, is the professional body for facilities management professionals in the UK. It provides guidance, training, and standards for the industry.

The role of IWFM

Setting standards and best practices

IWFM sets professional standards that facilities managers must adhere to to ensure high-quality service delivery. These standards cover various aspects, including health and safety, sustainability, and operational efficiency. By adhering to these standards, organisations can ensure compliance with relevant legislation and improve overall performance.

Professional development

IWFM offers a range of training courses and certifications to help facilities managers enhance their skills and knowledge. These professional development opportunities ensure that facilities managers are well-equipped to handle the industry's evolving challenges.

Advocacy and representation

IWFM advocates for the facilities management profession at the national and international levels. This includes engaging with government bodies, regulatory agencies, and other stakeholders to influence policy and promote the interests of facilities management professionals.

Recommended best practices

Compliance with legislation and regulations

Facilities managers must ensure compliance with various laws and regulations, including health and safety, environmental protection, and building standards. Key legislation includes the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Environmental Protection Act 1990, and the Building Regulations 2010.

Best practice tips

  • Regular audits - Conduct audits to ensure compliance with all relevant legislation and regulations.
  • Training - Provide ongoing training for staff to keep them updated on legal requirements and best practices. 
  • Documentation - Maintain thorough documentation of compliance activities to demonstrate adherence to regulatory standards.

Sustainability initiatives

With the growing emphasis on sustainability, facilities managers play a crucial role in reducing buildings' environmental impact. This includes implementing energy-efficient practices, waste reduction programmes, and sustainable materials sourcing.

Best practice tips

  • Energy management - Implement energy management systems to monitor and reduce energy consumption.
  • Waste reduction - Develop and enforce waste reduction policies, including recycling and reusing materials.
  • Sustainable sourcing - Choose suppliers and products that adhere to sustainable practices and have minimal environmental impact.


Partnering with a reputable professional body like IWFM is invaluable for organisations looking to enhance their facilities management practices. Additionally, utilising comprehensive compliance management software, such as ComplyPlus™, can streamline the process of adhering to regulations and standards.

Implementing ComplyPlus™

  • Centralised compliance management - Manage all compliance activities from a single platform.
  • Automated updates - Stay informed with automated updates on relevant legislation and standards.
  • Training modules - Access a wide range of training modules to ensure staff are knowledgeable and compliant.


The British Institute of Facilities Management, now IWFM, plays a critical role in advancing the facilities management profession in the UK. By setting standards, offering professional development, and advocating for the industry, IWFM ensures that facilities managers are well-equipped to meet the demands of their roles. Adhering to best practices and leveraging tools like ComplyPlus™ can further enhance compliance and operational efficiency.

Click here to learn more about how ComplyPlus™ can help your organisation meet its legislative and regulatory compliance requirements. Invest in the future of your facilities management with our comprehensive training and compliance management solutions.

About the author

Dr Richard Dune

With over 20 years of experience, Richard blends a rich background in NHS, the private sector, academia, and research settings. His forte lies in clinical R&D, advancing healthcare tech, workforce development and governance. His leadership ensures regulatory compliance and innovation align seamlessly.

The role of the British Institute of Facilities Management - ComplyPlus™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK

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