How do organisations become better innovators?

Mastering innovation: Strategies for success in today's business landscape

In today’s competitive business environment, innovation is key to staying relevant and achieving sustainable growth. However, becoming a better innovator is not just about having creative ideas; it involves a structured approach and commitment to continuous improvement. In this blog, Dr Richard Dune explores how organisations can enhance innovation capabilities by mastering critical elements identified through extensive research, including McKinsey’s study on innovation performance. He will delve into key facts, essential definitions, and best practices for implementing innovation within relevant legislation and regulations.

Key facts and statistics

  • Economic impact - Organisations proficient in innovation can achieve economic profit 2.4 times higher than their peers.
  • Innovation priority - Over 80% of executives rank innovation as a top priority, yet only a fraction are satisfied with their innovation performance.
  • Critical elements - Research by McKinsey highlights eight critical elements for superior innovation performance.

Key definitions

  • Innovation - involves the process of generating, developing, and implementing new ideas, products, services, and business models that create significant value. It requires a strategic approach and alignment with organisational goals.
  • Innovation performance - Refers to the effectiveness and efficiency with which an organisation can introduce and scale new innovations, ultimately driving growth and competitive advantage.

Best practices for implementing innovation

Understanding legislation and regulations

Compliance with legislation and regulations is crucial for successful innovation, especially in regulated health and social care sectors. Key regulatory bodies include the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which ensures workplace innovations do not compromise safety, and the Care Quality Commission (CQC), which monitors health and social care services to maintain high standards.

Adhering to these regulations ensures that innovations are both effective and compliant.

Eight critical elements for superior innovation performance

McKinsey’s research identifies eight essential elements organisations must master to become better innovators. These are:

  • Aspire - Do you regard innovation-led growth as critical, and have you set ambitious targets that reflect this? Organisations must view innovation as a core driver of growth and set bold aspirations. Leaders should articulate a clear vision for innovation and align organisational goals accordingly.
  • Choose - Do you invest in a coherent, time and risk-balanced portfolio of initiatives and devote sufficient resources to it? Prioritising and allocating resources effectively is crucial. Organisations should maintain a balanced portfolio of innovation projects, considering short-term gains and long-term strategic goals.
  • Discover - Are your business, market, and technology R&D efforts actionable and capable of translating into winning value propositions? Continuous research and development efforts are essential. Organisations should invest in understanding market needs, emerging technologies, and potential opportunities.
  • Evolve - Do you create new business models that provide defensible, robust, and scalable profit sources? Innovation is not limited to products and services; it includes evolving business models to sustain growth and profitability.
  • Accelerate - Do you develop and launch innovations quickly and effectively? Speed to market is a critical factor in successful innovation. Organisations should streamline processes to develop and launch innovations rapidly.
  • Scale - Do you launch innovations at the right scale in the relevant markets and segments? Effective scaling ensures that innovations reach their full potential. This involves identifying the right markets and executing well-planned rollouts.
  • Extend - Do you create and capitalise on external networks? Leveraging external partnerships and networks can enhance innovation efforts. Organisations should seek collaborations with other companies, research institutions, and stakeholders.
  • Mobilise - Are your people motivated, rewarded, and organised to innovate repeatedly? A culture that supports and rewards innovation is crucial. This includes training, incentivising, and structuring teams to foster continuous innovation.

Focus on aspire and choose

Among these elements, Aspire and Choose are particularly crucial. Leaders must set bold aspirations for innovation and make strategic decisions about resource allocation. Without a clear vision and prioritisation, innovation efforts may become fragmented and less impactful.


  • Set bold aspirations - Define clear, ambitious innovation goals and communicate them across the organisation.
  • Prioritise effectively - Develop a balanced portfolio of innovation projects, considering both immediate needs and long-term objectives.
  • Invest in R&D - Allocate resources to continuous research and development to stay ahead of market trends and technological advancements.
  • Evolve business models - Regularly assess and adapt business models to ensure they support sustained innovation and growth.
  • Accelerate time to market - Streamline processes to develop and launch innovations quickly.
  • Scale strategically - Plan and execute the scaling of innovations in relevant markets effectively.
  • Leverage external networks - Build and capitalise on partnerships to enhance innovation efforts.
  • Foster an innovation culture - Motivate and reward employees to create an environment that supports ongoing innovation.


Becoming a better innovator requires a strategic approach and commitment to mastering key elements that drive innovation performance. By setting bold aspirations, making strategic choices, investing in R&D, evolving business models, accelerating development, scaling effectively, leveraging networks, and fostering an innovation culture, organisations can enhance their innovation capabilities and achieve sustainable growth.

At The Mandatory Training Group, we are dedicated to supporting organisations in their innovation journeys. Our comprehensive training programs and compliance solutions, including ComplyPlus™, help build the internal capacity needed for successful innovation adoption and implementation. Click here for more insights and updates on the diffusion of innovations and other key topics in health and social care within our compliance management system.

Furthermore, click here to explore our wide range of CPD-accredited health and social care eLearning courses.

About the author

Dr Richard Dune

With over 20 years of experience, Richard blends a rich background in NHS, the private sector, academia, and research settings. His forte lies in clinical R&D, advancing healthcare tech, workforce development and governance. His leadership ensures regulatory compliance and innovation align seamlessly.

Mastering innovation: Strategies for success in today's business landscape - ComplyPlus™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

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