First Aid eLearning Courses & Training (Online First Aid Training Courses) - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

First aid at work in the UK is governed by the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981. It mandates that employers provide adequate first aid provisions in the workplace. This includes trained first aiders, appropriate first aid kits, and facilities. The number of first aiders required depends on the workplace's size and risks.

First-aiders must undergo approved training by organisations like the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Their role involves providing immediate assistance in case of injuries or illnesses until professional medical help arrives. Compliance with these regulations is vital to ensure the safety and well-being of employees and visitors in the workplace. #FirstAidAtWork

First Aid Courses, Training & Qualifications Online - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

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First Aid eLearning Courses, Training & Qualifications

First aid e-learning courses and training in the UK are essential for individuals and organisations to acquire life-saving skills. These online courses cover various aspects of first aid, including CPR, wound care, and managing medical emergencies. Accredited providers typically offer them, ensuring compliance with the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981.

Courses range from basic first aid for the general public to more comprehensive training for designated workplace first aiders. Regular refresher courses are also crucial to maintain proficiency. First aid training plays a vital role in improving public safety, reducing injuries, and ensuring a swift response to medical incidents across various settings in the UK. #EFAWTraining

Master First Aid at Work with eLearning on ComplyPlus LMS™

Key definitions relating to online first aid training courses

Here are key terms related to First Aid at Work (FAW) and Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) in the UK:

  • First Aid at Work (FAW) - FAW refers to a comprehensive first aid training course designed for designated workplace first aiders. It covers a wide range of first aid skills and is intended for individuals with a greater responsibility for providing first aid in the workplace.
  • Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) - EFAW is a shorter first aid training course focused on basic life-saving skills. It is suitable for workplaces with lower risks or individuals who require a basic understanding of first aid.
  • First Aider - A First Aider is trained in first aid techniques and responsibilities. They are designated to provide immediate assistance to injured or ill individuals in the workplace.
  • HSE (Health and Safety Executive) - The HSE is a government agency in the UK responsible for regulating and enforcing health and safety regulations, including those related to first aid at work.
  • First Aid Kit - A First Aid Kit is a container containing essential medical supplies and equipment to provide immediate assistance during medical emergencies.
  • Resuscitation - Resuscitation refers to reviving an unconscious or non-breathing person. It includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), a key component of first aid training.
  • Choking - Choking is when an object becomes lodged in the throat, obstructing the airway. First aid training includes techniques to clear the airway and assist choking victims.
  • AED (Automated External Defibrillator) -  An AED is a portable device that delivers an electric shock to restore normal heart rhythm during sudden cardiac arrest. First aiders may be trained to use AEDs.

These terms are essential to understanding the concepts and responsibilities of first aid at work in the UK, whether FAW or EFAW training. #FAWCourse

Explore EFAW and FAW First Aid Training on ComplyPlus LMS™

Legislation, regulations and expert guidance relating to first aid eLearning courses

The latest legislation, regulations, and expert guidance for First Aid at Work in the UK include:

  • Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 - These regulations set out the legal requirements for first aid provision in the workplace, specifying the number of trained first aiders, equipment, and facilities needed.
  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 -  This overarching legislation places a duty on employers to ensure their employees' health, safety, and welfare, including first aid provision.
  • Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) Guidelines -  RCUK provides expert guidance on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs).
  • Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Guidance - The HSE offers comprehensive guidance on first aid in the workplace, including training requirements and compliance.
  • British Red Cross and St John Ambulance - These organisations offer valuable expert guidance and training resources on first aid practices and techniques.

Adhering to these regulations and following expert guidance ensures that workplaces in the UK are well-prepared to respond effectively to medical emergencies and provide appropriate first-aid support. #WorkplaceSafety

Empower Your Team with Workplace First Aid Courses

Regulatory and professional bodies: Online first aid training courses

In the UK, regulatory and professional bodies responsible for overseeing First Aid at Work courses include:

  • Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - The HSE sets the regulatory framework for workplace first aid training requirements and approves training providers.
  • Qualifications Network (QNUK) - QNUK is a recognised awarding organisation that offers qualifications in first aid at various levels, ensuring that training courses meet national standards.
  • Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) - RCUK provides expert guidance and standards for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in first aid training.
  • St John Ambulance and British Red Cross - These respected charitable organisations offer first aid training courses and adhere to recognised standards and best practices.

Compliance with the guidelines and qualifications endorsed by these bodies ensures that First Aid at Work courses in the UK are of high quality and meet regulatory standards. #ComplyPlusLMS

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Relevant national occupational standards relating to first aid courses and training online

The UK's relevant national occupational standards for First Aid at Work training are primarily guided by the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) and, more recently, the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). These frameworks establish the criteria for designing and delivering first-aid training courses, ensuring they align with national standards and occupational requirements.

The specific standards can vary depending on the level of first aid training, such as Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) or First Aid at Work (FAW). These standards encompass essential topics like CPR, AED usage, wound care, and managing various medical emergencies, ensuring that individuals and organisations receive consistent, high-quality training. #LegalCompliance

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Aims, objectives and learning outcomes: First aid e-learning courses

The aims, objectives, and learning outcomes of a First Aid at Work course are as follows:


A First Aid at Work course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective first aid in the workplace. It focuses on fostering a safe and prepared work environment by ensuring individuals can respond to medical emergencies confidently and competently. The overarching purpose is to enhance workplace safety and the well-being of employees and visitors.


  • Provide Comprehensive Training - Deliver a structured curriculum covering essential first aid topics, including CPR, AED usage, wound management, and response to various medical incidents.
  • Hands-on Practice - Facilitate practical exercises and scenarios to reinforce learning, allowing participants to apply their skills in simulated situations.
  • Build Confidence - Create a supportive learning environment that effectively boosts participants' confidence in administering first aid.
  • Compliance - Ensure that the course meets regulatory requirements set forth by organisations like the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK).
  • Adaptability - Tailor the course to the specific needs and risks of different workplaces, addressing industry-specific scenarios.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing the First Aid at Work course, participants should be able to:

  • Demonstrate proficiency in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) usage.
  • Effectively assess and respond to common workplace injuries, such as wounds, burns, and fractures.
  • Recognise and manage medical emergencies, including heart attacks, strokes, and seizures.
  • Provide initial first aid care while awaiting professional medical assistance.
  • Exhibit confidence and competence in applying first aid principles in real-life workplace scenarios.

These aims, objectives, and learning outcomes collectively ensure that participants emerge from the course with the skills and knowledge necessary to respond to workplace emergencies, contributing to a safer and more secure working environment. #CPRTraining

Enhance Workplace Safety through First Aid eLearning

Why are online first aid at work training courses important?

First Aid at Work training courses are crucial because they empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively to medical emergencies in the workplace. By providing immediate assistance, these courses can save lives, prevent injuries from worsening, and minimise the impact of accidents.

They contribute to a safer work environment, enhance employee well-being, and fulfil legal obligations set by regulations like the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981. Moreover, First Aid at Work training fosters confidence and preparedness among employees, ensuring they can act swiftly and competently in critical situations, ultimately reducing the severity of workplace incidents and promoting a safety culture. #AEDUsage

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EFAW and FAW first aid distance online learning courses & training

Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) and First Aid at Work (FAW) distance learning courses provide accessible and flexible options for individuals to acquire life-saving skills remotely. These courses cover essential first aid techniques, including CPR, AED usage, and responding to common workplace injuries and illnesses.

Participants can access online modules, instructional videos, and assessments from anywhere, making it convenient for busy professionals. While theoretical knowledge can be gained through distance learning, practical skills evaluation may require in-person sessions to ensure proficiency. EFAW and FAW distance learning courses empower individuals to meet regulatory requirements and contribute to safer workplaces, even when physical attendance is challenging. #HealthAndSafety

Unlock the Benefits of Distance Learning in First Aid

Workplace first aid online training courses

Workplace first aid online training courses are web-based programs designed to equip employees with crucial first aid skills and knowledge specific to their workplace. These courses cover various aspects of first aid, including CPR, AED usage, injury assessment, and medical emergency response. Participants can access the training materials and assessments online, often at their own pace, making it convenient for busy work schedules.

Workplace first aid online training ensures that employees are prepared to respond effectively to on-the-job emergencies, contributing to a safer and more secure work environment. It aligns with regulatory requirements and fosters a safety culture within organisations, even when in-person training may be impractical. #ResuscitationGuidelines

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Free first aid refresher e-learning courses & training

Free First Aid refresher E-Learning courses and training provide a cost-effective and convenient way for individuals to refresh their first aid knowledge and skills online. These courses are designed to review and update crucial aspects of first aid, such as CPR techniques, AED usage, and responding to common medical emergencies.

Participants can access the training materials at no cost, making them accessible to a wide audience. These refresher courses help ensure that individuals maintain their competence in first aid, stay up-to-date with the latest guidelines, and are prepared to respond effectively to emergencies, ultimately contributing to a safer and more prepared community. #WorkplaceTraining

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First aid qualification train the trainer eLearning courses & training

First aid qualification "train the trainer" eLearning courses and training programs are designed to prepare individuals to become certified instructors in first aid. These courses equip participants with the necessary teaching skills, knowledge of the first aid curriculum, and instructional techniques to effectively train others in first aid practices.

Through online modules, interactive resources, and assessments, prospective trainers learn how to deliver first aid courses, facilitate hands-on training, and ensure learners' competence. This approach widens the pool of qualified first aid instructors, enabling them to pass on essential life-saving skills to a broader audience, enhancing overall community preparedness and safety. #EmployeeWellBeing

Lead First Aid Training with Online Train the Trainer Courses

Online first aid training courses at work on ComplyPlus LMS™

The Mandatory Training Group is a leading UK provider of accredited first aid at work courses and training available on ComplyPlus LMS™:

  • Emergency First Aid at Work - Level 3
  • First Aid, CPR and AED Awareness - Level 2
  • Paediatric First Aid Awareness - Level 2
  • Paediatric First Aid Annual Refresher - Level 3
  • First Aid Awareness (Adult) Live Webinar - Level 2
  • First Aid Awareness (Adults) - Level 2
  • Paediatric First Aid Awareness Live Webinar - Level 2
  • Emergency First Aid at Work - Level 2
  • Paediatric First Aid - Level 3
  • First Aid at Work - Level 3
  • First Aid Requirements - Enhanced Dental CPD Course
  • First Aid within the Dental Environment - Enhanced Dental CPD Course
  • First Aid at Work - Online Training Package
  • First Aid at Work - Level 3 Qualification
  • Emergency First Aid at Work - Level 3
  • First Aid Courses, Training & Qualifications.

#FAWRefresher #MandatoryTrainingUK

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Professional body recommendations and published best practice guidance: Online first aid training courses

Professional recommendations and published best practice guidance relevant to First Aid at Work training courses include:

  • Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) Guidelines - RCUK provides authoritative guidance on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs).
  • Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Guidance - HSE offers comprehensive information on first aid at work, ensuring compliance with the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981.
  • British Red Cross and St John Ambulance - These organisations publish best practice guidelines and resources for first aid training.

Peer-reviewed literature may include studies on the effectiveness of first aid training in workplace settings, the impact of CPR and AED training on survival rates, and reviews of first aid curriculum developments. These sources collectively inform the development and delivery of high-quality First Aid at Work training programs. #UKRegulations

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Guidance for managers and leaders: First aid eLearning courses & training

Leaders and managers are pivotal in ensuring effective First Aid at Work. Here's guidance on its importance and tips for implementation:

Importance of effective first aid at work

  • Safety culture - Effective first aid promotes a culture of safety, demonstrating that the well-being of employees is a top priority.
  • Legal compliance - Compliance with legislation, such as the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981, is essential to avoid legal repercussions.
  • Rapid response - Immediate first aid response can prevent minor injuries from escalating into major incidents, reducing the severity of workplace accidents.
  • Employee morale - It fosters employee morale and trust, as staff feel cared for and supported in times of need.

Tips for implementation

  • Assess workplace risks - Identify specific workplace risks and tailor first aid provisions accordingly.
  • Training - Ensure that designated first aiders undergo appropriate training, considering the type of work and hazards present.
  • First aid kits - Maintain well-stocked kits and conduct regular checks to replenish supplies.
  • Policies and procedures - Develop clear first aid policies and procedures per current legislation and expert recommendations.
  • Regular reviews - Review and update first aid provisions and training to align with evolving best practices.
  • Accessibility - Ensure easy access to first aid equipment and designate visible first aid points.
  • Awareness and communication - Educate employees on the location of first aid equipment and the importance of reporting injuries promptly.
  • Feedback and continuous improvement - Encourage feedback from first-aiders and employees to improve first-aid practices continuously.
  • Audit and monitoring - Regularly audit and monitor first aid provisions and training to ensure ongoing compliance and effectiveness.
  • External expertise - Consult external experts or organisations specialising in first aid at work to stay up-to-date with the latest guidance.

By prioritising effective First Aid at Work and following these guidelines, leaders and managers can create safer workplaces, protect their workforce, and demonstrate a commitment to employee well-being. #SafetyCulture

ComplyPlus LMS™: Your Portal to Workplace First Aid Training

First Aid at Work E-learning Courses: Policy and Procedures

Drafting comprehensive First Aid at Work policies and procedures is crucial for organisations to ensure legal compliance, safety, and effective emergency response. Here's a guide to creating policies and procedures that cover UK and international regulations:

UK Legislation and Regulations

  • Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 - Start by acknowledging and adhering to these regulations, specifying the number of trained first aiders, equipment, and facilities required.
  • Legal Obligations - Clearly outline the organisation's legal obligations to provide first aid and ensure all employees know these obligations.
  • First Aiders - Define the roles and responsibilities of designated first aiders, including their training requirements and duties during incidents.
  • First Aid Kits - Detail the contents and maintenance of workplace first aid kits, ensuring they meet the British Standard BS 8599-1.

International legislation and regulations

  • International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 187 - If applicable, consider ILO Convention 187 on Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health for additional guidance.
  • Resuscitation Guidelines - Incorporate international resuscitation guidelines, such as those from the American Heart Association (AHA) or the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), for CPR and AED usage.

General Considerations

  • Training - Specify the type of first aid training required, whether Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) or First Aid at Work (FAW) and the intervals for refresher courses.
  • Emergency Procedures - Outline the step-by-step procedures for responding to common workplace emergencies, including injury assessment and reporting.
  • Equipment Maintenance - Describe the first aid equipment's regular checks and maintenance procedures.
  • Record Keeping - Establish a system for documenting first aid incidents, treatment provided, and follow-up actions.
  • Communication - Ensure all employees know the policies and procedures, including the location of first aid equipment and contact information for first aiders.
  • Review and Update - Commit to periodic reviews of the policies and procedures to ensure alignment with evolving regulations and best practices.

By developing comprehensive First Aid at Work policies and procedures encompassing UK and relevant international regulations, organisations can create a safe and compliant environment, prioritise employee well-being, and respond effectively to medical emergencies. #CertifiedFirstAiders

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Summary: The Vital Importance of Effective First Aid at Work E-learning Courses

When it comes to workplace safety, the significance of effective First Aid at Work cannot be overstated. Whether you're a business owner, a manager, or an employee, understanding the critical role that first aid plays in saving lives is paramount. This blog will explore why First Aid at Work is indispensable in UK settings.

A reminder of the key definitions

  • First Aid at Work (FAW) - Comprehensive training designed to equip designated workplace first aiders with life-saving skills.
  • Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) - Basic first aid training suitable for lower-risk workplaces.

Key facts and statistics

  • Over 600,000 workplace injuries in the UK were reported in the 2020/2021 fiscal year (HSE).
  • Effective first aid can reduce fatalities by up to 60% (British Red Cross).
  • Each year, approximately 140,000 people in the UK die from accidents or illnesses that could have been mitigated with prompt first aid (St John Ambulance).

Relevant legislation, regulations, and best practice

  • Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981:
    • Mandates employers to provide adequate first aid provisions.
    • Specifies the number of trained first aiders, equipment, and facilities required.
  • Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) Guidelines:
    • Provides expert guidance on CPR and AED usage, aligning with international best practices.

    Stay Current with First Aid Qualification Refresher Courses on ComplyPlus LMS™

    Key points to remember

    • The immediate response - Explore the crucial role of first aid in the immediate response to workplace accidents or medical emergencies.
    • Legally compliant workplaces - Highlight the legal obligations underpinning First Aid at Work and the consequences of non-compliance.
    • Training and preparedness - Discuss the importance of proper training, including FAW and EFAW, in ensuring workplace readiness.
    • Life-saving equipment - Emphasise the necessity of well-maintained first aid kits and automated external defibrillators (AEDs).
    • Workplace safety culture - Explain how effective first aid fosters a culture of safety and employee well-being.

    In conclusion

    Effective First Aid at Work is not just a regulatory requirement; it's a lifeline in an emergency. By prioritising comprehensive training, maintaining equipment, and fostering a safety-conscious workplace, we can reduce injuries, save lives, and ensure the well-being of our employees. Remember, in an emergency, every second counts.

    Take the first step towards a safer workplace. Explore our First Aid at Work courses to equip your team with life-saving skills. Together, we can make a difference in ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone in your organisation. #FAWOnlineCourse

    Transform Your Skills with First Aid Refresher eLearning

    FAQs about first aid at work (online first aid training courses)

    Here are 20 frequently asked questions (FAQs) along with their answers for your webpage on First Aid at Work, incorporating information about ComplyPlus LMS™ and relevant details:

    What is First Aid at Work (FAW)?

    FAW is comprehensive first aid training designed for designated workplace first aiders. It includes essential life-saving skills and aligns with UK regulations.

    What is Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW)?

    EFAW is basic first aid training suitable for lower-risk workplaces, covering immediate life-saving techniques.

    Why is First Aid at Work important?

    Effective first aid saves lives, reduces injury severity, and ensures legal compliance with the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981.

    What are the legal requirements for First Aid at Work?

    The regulations mandate employers to provide adequate first aid provisions, specifying trained first aiders, equipment, and facilities.

    How does ComplyPlus LMS™ help with First Aid at Work training?

    ComplyPlus LMS™ offers convenient, compliance-focused training courses, ensuring your team receives quality education while adhering to UK regulations.

    What are the Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) Guidelines?

    RCUK provides expert guidance on CPR and AED usage, aligning with international best practices.

    How can I ensure my workplace is legally compliant with first aid requirements?

    Our courses, accessible through ComplyPlus LMS™, are designed to meet regulatory standards and keep your workplace compliant.

    What is the role of a designated First Aider?

    First Aiders are trained to provide immediate assistance during medical emergencies, bridging the gap until professional help arrives.

    How often should First Aiders undergo training?

    Refresher training is essential every three years to ensure First Aiders maintain their skills and knowledge.

    What's included in a workplace First Aid kit?

    First Aid kits should comply with British Standard BS 8599-1 and include essential basic medical care supplies.

    How does First Aid training contribute to a safety culture?

    Proper training fosters a safety-conscious workplace where employees are prepared to respond effectively to emergencies.

    What are the consequences of non-compliance with first aid regulations?

    Non-compliance may result in legal penalties and, more importantly, jeopardise employee safety and well-being.

    Where can I find the latest information on First Aid at Work training?

    Visit our website and access courses on ComplyPlus LMS™ for up-to-date and compliance-focused training.

    What is the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 187?

    ILO Convention 187 outlines global occupational safety and health guidelines, potentially impacting workplace first aid practices.

    Can you recommend any peer-reviewed literature on workplace first aid?

    We can provide resources on the effectiveness of first aid training and its impact on workplace safety upon request.

    How do I maintain and update First Aid policies and procedures?

    Regularly review and update your policies in alignment with current legislation, regulations, and best practices.

    What's the significance of AEDs in the workplace?

    Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) can be life-saving during cardiac emergencies. Our training covers their usage.

    How does First Aid at Work align with a proactive safety approach?

    Prioritising First Aid at Work is a proactive commitment to safety, minimising risks, and ensuring emergency preparedness.

    How can I track and record First Aid incidents in my organisation?

    Our training, accessible through ComplyPlus LMS™, includes incident documentation and reporting guidance.

    How can I get started with First Aid at Work training through ComplyPlus LMS™?

    Simply visit our website, select the course that suits your needs, and register on ComplyPlus LMS™ for convenient, compliance-focused training. #EFAWCertification

    Explore EFAW and FAW First Aid Training Excellence on ComplyPlus LMS™

    Why choose ComplyPlus LMS™ for online first aid training courses?

    Choose ComplyPlus LMS™ for your First Aid at Work training because we offer a seamless blend of expertise, convenience, and compliance. Our platform, backed by The Mandatory Training Group UK, ensures that you receive training that's not just informative but also legally compliant with UK regulations. You get access to high-quality courses, expert guidance, and a user-friendly learning experience with us. Elevate workplace safety, equip your team with life-saving skills, and stay ahead of the regulatory curve. Join us today and make a proactive commitment to safety. Take the first step towards a safer tomorrow – start your First Aid at Work training on ComplyPlus LMS™ now! #SafetyStandards

    ComplyPlus LMS™: Your Gateway to First Aid Training Success

    First Aid eLearning Courses, Training & Qualifications (Online) - ComplyPlus LMS™ - The Mandatory Training Group UK -

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